Pinky Promise

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Chapter 10

"Get into the music room, now."

Surely your threatening tone had startled Yeonjun, who was peacefully walking to lunch with his friends. Even his friends must've been startled, but immediately they started winking at him and joking around, thinking you must've been calling him to confess.

Yeonjun still looked pretty beat up. His black eye looked worse than before. His busted lip had scabbed over and the surrounding lip looked swollen and bruised. His ankle was the only thing that seemed better. He was walking perfectly on his own. Perhaps it wasn't a sprain but maybe it was a big twist.

After essentially threatening Yeonjun, you moved on to your next target. Beomgyu was harder to reach. He was naturally sociable and other people flocked towards him like seagulls to food. You'd seen it often in band class. Beomgyu would make funny comments to make the class laugh, and he would talk to other people around him like it was nothing. It seemed everyone knew his name. He seemed to enjoy the attention he got too. There wasn't anything wrong with that though. It just meant he was particularly hard to locate, seeing as he never usually stayed around the same group of people consistently. It took you a good few minutes to find him. When you did, you had to push your way through a small crowd of people to get to him.

"Beomgyu. Team meeting in the music room in like, 5 minutes," you told him quickly, and quietly enough so that the others surrounding him wouldn't here you.

"No problem, (Y/N). I'll see ya there," he smiled, sending you a little wink before continuing his conversation with the small group around him.

Finally, you only had one person left to locate. Soobin. Even though Beomgyu was difficult to find, Soobin was the hardest to find. Seeing as he was the student body president, he was all over the place. He was planning events with other members of the student council, he was helping teachers print and copy tests, he was helping students with things they needed help with. He could've been anywhere in the school. It took a good ten minutes for you to find him. You were certain that the others had already congregated by the time you'd even spotted Soobin conversing with a teacher.

You didn't want to interrupt because this could've been important, so you stood idly by and watched. You noticed a few things about Soobin. He was awkward. He kept his hands tightly clasped in front of him and stood oddly straight. Although Soobin was awkward, he was good at pretending he wasn't. He seemed introverted. As if conversational skills didn't come naturally to him. Although that might've been true, that didn't mean that he wasn't good at speaking. He spoke clearly and precisely with perfect tone and articulation. You supposed that was something he must've needed to have to be the student body president, seeing as he presented things all the time.

You watched for a few more minutes before he finally noticed you standing by the door.

"Oh. (Y/N)! Can I help you?" He asked kindly, turning towards you on his heels, moving his hands from being clasped in front of him to being clasped behind him.

"Uh... team meeting in the music room," you said hesitantly. You weren't expecting to have the attention turned to you so fast.

"Oh! I see. Well, Ms Kim, I'm afraid I'll have to end our conversation here. I'll see you last period though," he smiled friendlily, giving one last wave before he joined you in the hallway. "So what's the team meeting about?" He asked as the two of you walked down the hallways.

"I kind of have a song? It's not finished in the slightest, but maybe you guys have some input and you can help me make it better," you shrugged.

"Really? You have a song already? That's great!" He smiled happily.

"You know..." you started, trailing off, deciding whether or not you should even mention this. "Never mind."

The Dream Chapter (TXT X Reader) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt