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  Chapter 28

If there was one thing you wanted to do at the moment, it was skip school. There was nothing wrong with you in particular, you just didn't want to be there. It was almost over, yet you were considering just slamming your textbook shut and storming out of the place. Your patience was growing thin.

It also didn't help that you would be working with Beomgyu to write a song. It just made you want school to end even more. The musical ideas were nagging at you from the back of your head, begging to be put into real life. School was just oppressing these beautiful ideas. Maybe that's why you were so irritable.

When the bell rang, dismissing you from class, you let out a sigh of relief, closing your textbook and shoving it in your bag, saying quick goodbyes to Taehyun and Kai. You went to your locker, grabbing what you needed, putting away what you didn't, and then you met Beomgyu in the front foyer.

"Let's get going," you immediately suggested, wanting to leave this building. He gladly followed behind you as you set off towards your house.

"So have you had any ideas?" He asked, readjusting the strap of his guitar case on his shoulder.

  "Not yet, but hopefully after I hear what you have, I can come up with something," you told him, praying that something he played would strike a chord in you.

  Inspiration was hard to find, especially when you needed it. You'd talked a lot about inspiration and honestly, it was a key pillar behind every song you ever wrote. If you didn't have inspiration, their was no song. That's what made the whole 'One Month Time Limit' seem impossible. You'd gotten a starting melody on one song, so that was good enough. You didn't want to tell anyone in case it was a fluke. You hoped it wasn't.

  When you and Beomgyu reached your house, you were eager to hear what he had written. He told you it wasn't much, but he had an idea in his head. An idea was good enough. So long as there was an idea, there was a chance there could be inspiration.

  You both greeted your mother who was in the kitchen. Beomgyu seemed to have no problem in striking up a conversation with her. It lasted a few minutes before Beomgyu put it to an end, following you to your room where the door was left open. You grabbed a spare chair, setting it up for him and you sat by your desk in your own chair.

  He took his guitar out of his case and plugged it into a small amp he had brought from home. He made sure to tune it before playing a fairly rock and roll bit of a song. You were surprised not only by how it sounded, but also how short it was. It sounded good though. Very solid. You could do something with this. You began to hear little possible melodies that could go along with that. Inspiration. You were inspired.

  You moved over to your keyboard and played a small chromatic bit. After playing it on the piano setting, you changed it to the glockenspiel setting, wanting to hear it in a different instrument. After you played the small chromatic bit, you turned to Beomgyu, giving him a questioning look.

  "What instrument was that?" He asked, shifting slightly closer.

  "Glockenspiel. It's a type of idiophone. I play it all the time," you told him.

  "Idiophone?" He questioned.

  "Kai and I always say I play the xylophone because everyone knows what a xylophone is. A xylophone is just a type of idiophone. I just don't like confusing people with musical terms. An idiophone is just an instrument that makes sound using mallets and bars of different types of materials," you explained. You had to explain this to so many people. You were primarily an idiophone player but when you told people that, they made you use the same convoluted explanation you gave Beomgyu, so you just told them you played the xylophone instead.

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