Hair Dye

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Chapter 17

"Oh my god, I suck at this."

It was getting to the point where you couldn't stop painting your own gloved hands with the bleach that was supposed to be on three of their heads.

Kai and Taehyun were no help either, telling you that they were having fun watching you struggle over the three who seemed scared for their lives. You were currently doing Soobin's hair. You had finished Yeonjun and Beomgyu's and it was currently developing. You still had to colour Yeonjun's too, but you were stuck on Soobin's.

"I'm so sorry," you repeatedly apologized as you violated his hair with the bleach.

"If I go to school bald tomorrow, I will never forgive you," he grimaced. His eyes had been shut tightly. You were a good person who meant no harm, but he did not trust you to not get bleach in his eyes. The only thing saving his school uniform from being stripped of its colour was the old towel you used as a barrier.

"I don't know what made me think this was a good idea," you cried as you wiped bleach from your gloves into his hair.

"Is it supposed to feel hot?" Beomgyu asked, slightly worried.


"Was that a question?" He asked, his eyes widening in panic.

"I think it is."

"Oh my god, you're gonna burn my scalp off!" He cried, wanting to touch his hair, but knowing it wasn't the best idea.

"I'm sorry!" You cried in response, wanting this horrible situation to be over with.

You were no professional. You thought that reading instructions and watching a few videos would be enough to make this look good, but you were wrong. You couldn't have possibly been more wrong. You had repeatedly gotten bleach all over their foreheads, having to screech at Kai or Taehyun to wipe it off. You'd actually gotten bleach on Soobin's eyebrow, and that made both you and him panic. You'd luckily gotten it off before it could strip his eyebrow of any colour, but it was a close call.

"If I make you guys ugly, I give you permission to sue me," you sighed, finishing Soobin's hair and removing your gloves.

"It's impossible to make this look ugly," Yeonjun smirked, gesturing to his face.

"Yeah." Soobin agreed, surprising you all, but of course, he had to go and finish the sentence. "You can't make it ugly if it's already ugly."

"And here I thought you were gonna be nice," Yeonjun chuckled bitterly.

"Apologies, but I speak the truth," he shrugged.

"I don't need your validation," Yeonjun shrugged back, turning away from Soobin.

"Stop or else I'll never let you rinse your hair," you grumbled.

Immediately the two closed their mouths. Your threat was very successful. You were glad. You couldn't stand the two fighting anymore. It was beginning to get on your nerves.

"Okay, Yeonjun. It's time to rinse," you told him. He shifted from standing by the door, to sitting at the side of your tub with his neck over the side. You squatted beside him with the shower head, ready to rinse his hair. "Close your eyes," you said softly as you ran the warm water over his hair.

You shampooed and conditioned his hair, making sure the bleach was out and to make sure that his hair wouldn't be too damaged.

"You know, this is kinda soothing," he hummed, his eyes closed as you ran your fingers through his hair, making sure no suds were present.

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