Trust Me

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  Chapter 34

"Take your hand out of your pocket."

"I'm not gonna do that."

"Come on, take your hand out of your pocket."

"That's not gonna happen."

"Just take your hand out of your pocket."

"I'm not gonna take my hand out of my pocket."

"Please. Take your hand out of your pocket."

"The only way I'll take my hand out of my pocket, is if I get to slap all of you in the face afterwards."

The five of them were trying to coerce you into taking your electric blue hand, which had stayed in your pocket all day, out of your pocket. You'd been writing with your left hand all day, which wasn't too big of a deal, seeing as you were ambidextrous, but taking notes was possibly the hardest thing.

"Please!" Yeonjun whined from his seat across from you.

Somehow, the six of you ended up eating lunch together. Apparently while you and Kai were away a week prior, the leftover 4 sat and ate lunch together. You were wondering how Beomgyu and Taehyun managed to get that to happen, but you were happy nonetheless. What you weren't happy about was their dire attempts to make you take your hand out of your pocket.

"If I take my hand out of my pocket, you all owe me ice cream," you bargained jokingly.

What you didn't expect was all of them to say yes immediately. Begrudgingly, you took your electric blue hand out of your pocket, putting it on the table. The colour had started to fade slightly as you repetitively washed your hands. It was still vibrant though, only a few spots having actually faded.

They all looked at it for a minute, smiles growing on their faces. They began to giggle before the burst out into uproarious laughter, causing people to look at your table. You swiftly tucked your hand into your pocket

  "You guys suck," you grumbled, using your free hand to eat.

  "No, we're sorry," Kai apologized, trying his hardest to stifle his laughter. "You can take your hand out of your pocket."

  "No. You guys all suck," you muttered, avoiding all eye contact.

  "If one of us had a hand that was electric blue, you'd laugh too," Taehyun chuckled.

  "My head is blue. You don't hear me complaining," Yeonjun said, gesturing to his hair.

  "It's normal for people to dye their hair, not their hands!" You cried, pulling your hand out of your pocket to bang your fist on the table out of habit.

  You saw people look over to your table once again, so you quickly slipped your hand back into your pocket, avoiding eye contact with everyone once again.

  "Cmon, it's endearing," Beomgyu laughed.

  "It's not endearing, it's stupid," you grumbled, stabbing your food violently instead of eating it.

  "Just take your hand out of your pocket," Kai sighed, picking at his own food. He was finished with your silly antics. He reached his hand out and tried to pull your hand out of your pocket.

  "I will destroy you!"

  "You guys still owe me ice cream," you told them as the six of you walked to your house. School had finished and you were all going to record the vocals to the two finished songs. It just so happened that they did, in fact, owe you ice cream.

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