Magic Island

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Chapter 31

⚠️Trigger Warning: Mentions of death and suicide⚠️

It was your first day of First Grade! You were so excited to go to school for the very first time. You'd seen your big brother go through school and he always said he had a good day. You wanted to have a good day too!

Your big brother walked you to school as you skipped happily beside him. He held your hand in his because your mommy wouldn't let you cross the street alone. Her and your big brother said it was dangerous to do that, so you always made sure to stay by your big brother.

When you reached the doors, your big brother knelt down to your level and fixed your hair. You gave him your biggest smile and he smiled back at you.

"You have a good day, all right? Play lots of games and have lots of fun," he told you.

"I will!"

"And be sure to make a lot of friends. Tell me if anyone picks on you," he lectured.

"I will!" You giggled.

"Okay. I have to go to school now. You wait for me in your classroom after school and I'll pick you up, okay?" He asked, making sure you knew what to do.


"I love you," he told you, pulling you into a big hug.

"I love you too!"

  And then your big brother left and you went inside your classroom. You had fun during class. You sat at a table and your teacher gave you papers to colour on and you learned how to read better and write better and add and subtract. You had lots of fun.

  One of your favourite classes happened last period. Music! Your brother had taught you piano as he learned so you were ready to go and play the piano in music class. When you got to the room, the first thing you did was rush to the piano! When you got there, there was a boy who got there right at the same time.

  "Do you play piano too?" You asked him. He gave a small nod. "I'm (Y/N)!" You told him, extending your hand for a handshake.

  "HueningKai," he responded, shaking your hand.

  The two of you talked and talked throughout the whole class. You were still really awkward at first but you liked to think you had a new friend now.

  When school ended, you made sure to meet your big brother in your classroom. When he came to pick you up, you were so happy. Your big brother was so fun and he told you a lot of cool things about what he learned in school. He made you really happy.

  "(Y/N)!" He called happily as he stepped into your classroom. You were one of the last students there.

  "Hi!" You called back, grabbing your bag and running to give him a hug. You were excited to tell him about your whole day at school and to hear about his.

  "How was school?" He asked, pulling you into a tight hug. He felt tense when you first threw your arms around his shoulders, but he loosened up and let out a small breath as you hugged him tightly.

  "It was so fun! We started learning how to spell and read and do math!" You told him excitedly.

  He stood up properly after releasing you from the tight hug and he grabbed your hand, beginning to walk you home. He gave a small nod and smile to the teacher before exiting the room.

  "Did you make any friends?" He asked.

  "Yeah! I made a friend in music class! I was gonna go play the piano but then he wanted to play it too, so we became friends," you smiled happily. He could hear the excitement in your voice.

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