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  Chapter 59

"Welcome to the finale of the Short Film Competition! Tonight, three highly anticipated short films will be shown. Only one will be the winner! The winner will be decided by your votes! Remember if you're watching at home to go to our website and vote on your favourite short film. Now, our first short film is called In The Shade by Capture Studios!"

Sitting in the audience, waiting eagerly for your turn felt exactly like waiting for your turn to present your presentation in school. Except this time, instead of a five minute presentation in front of fifteen other people, this was a forty minute video that would be shown to anyone who has internet. Needless to say, you couldn't stop fidgeting with the edge of your dress. You pretended like the fabric was paper and you were continuously ripping it. Of course, the dress wasn't paper so you were just pulling on fabric, but having something to focus on did slightly ease your anxiety.

You could tell the others were just as nervous. Actually paying attention to the short film playing was a task in and of itself. You couldn't focus on the film in front of you because every time you saw something move in your peripheral, your head would snap in the direction of the movement, your attention being completely torn from the film.

You thought the film was a romantic comedy at first, but it turns out, it was a romantic thriller. The discovery had startled you because from what you'd seen, there was nothing thrilling about it, but then again, it didn't help that your attention was torn away every two seconds.

The second film was a horror film. You were able to pay more attention to that one because of all the loud noises and screams that burst forward from the speakers every few seconds. The premise of the short film was interesting, although you were more concerned about stopping the tiny panic spurts you were having.

Every little while, they'd do a commercial break and that was the only time you'd feel at ease. Taehyun was to your right, Kai to your left, and the others were somewhere beyond there. You couldn't really tell. You wish you'd taken the time to note where everyone sat, but you were too jittery and panicked.

  Your parents had assured you that they would be watching. Kai's parents too. That eased your anxiety a little. At least you knew there was someone cheering for you.

  "We'll be watching the entire thing! You two are going to do amazing," your mom cooed as she hugged both you, and Kai tightly. The other four were waiting outside in the car and you guaranteed that they were getting impatient.

  "Thank you mom," you smiled gently, hugging her back. You knew you needed to go but sometimes, even as a teenager, you just need your mom.

You even had support from other students. You were surprised to say the least, when during an assembly, the entire student body wished the six of you good luck. The principal had worked the fact that you'd made it to the final round, into a slide show, and as if it were choreographed without the six of you knowing, they all yelled a very enthusiastic good luck. It must've been hard considering you damn well knew that none of them actually cared about what you were doing.

You would be walking down the halls and hear a stray 'good luck' amongst the crowds chatter. It was the most you'd been talked to in a while, and if you were being honest, it was exhausting.

"Man, I feel super popular today," Yeonjun chuckled, pushing strands of his yellow hair from his face.

"You've always been popular," you piped up, rolling your eyes.

"Of course. How could someone as handsome and talented as me not be popular?" He asked, seeming very proud of himself.

You couldn't even think of a response. He could be very confident when he wanted to.

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