Just Fine

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    Ending: Beomgyu

  "I like you."

  "I like you too. But you already knew that, didn't you?" He asked a smile growing on his face.

  You'd been gathering up the courage to confess your feelings for a while now, but you didn't feel like you had the strength to do it until that moment. Of course, you knew he liked you, but that didn't make it any easier.

  "Well yeah, I thought but I wasn't sure, and-"

  He pulled you into a hug.

  "Well, I like you back, so stop worrying, okay?"


  Lounging in your office was very relaxing after the taxing day you had. Turns out, having a big conference with the CEO of the company was exhausting. Especially when you were speaking about songs for a groups debut album. It was a huge deal for you so you'd stressed about it for a while.

  Since you'd gotten out of university, you'd been working on minor projects, but this is the first time you'd been allowed to write and produce a title track that would represent a group. It was stressful. You were collaborating with other producers in the company on this song. It was much easier than making an entire song by yourself. Namely, you'd been working with Beomgyu.

  He went into the same course as you in university, and he even went to the same university, so you ended up seeing each other often. That cumulated into a long lasting relationship with you two after the short confession in high school. You spent a lot of time together, so even if you wanted to escape from him, you couldn't.

  You and Beomgyu didn't get to collaborate on a song often, but this song was one of those rare occasions and the two of you had been savouring every minute. Even during the meetings, you would send each other glances and small smiles, encouraging each other.

  You'd never worked on a song for a debut, nor had you worked on a song where you got to work by yourself without a more experienced producer working with you. You wanted it to be perfect, so you'd been working day and night. It just so happened that the night before your big conference with the CEO of the company, you'd stayed up all night to make sure everything was fine.

  You were constantly hiding yawns behind your hands as others spoke. You'd worn some makeup to cover the dark circles under your eyes as well.

  Now you sat in your small, cramped studio, using your desk as a pillow. You sat, gently rubbing your temples to try to relieve your headache until you heard a knock at your door. You quickly stood up, adjusting yourself, making sure you looked presentable before answering the door.

  "Oh. It's just you," you sighed in relief.

  "What do you mean 'just' me? I'm your boyfriend? Shouldn't you be happy to see me?" Beomgyu asked, slightly offended. He stepped into your office and sat down in your chair.

  "I was just worried that it was the CEO, or a higher up coming to tell me I didn't do good enough," you admitted, rubbing your temples once again.

  "You did just fine. You followed the concept and made an amazing song just like you were told to. They'll have an eye on you, but they won't give you an advisor again," he assured you, swivelling around to face you.

  "Of course you say that. You haven't had an advisor for months," you pouted.

  It was true. Beomgyu's advisor had decided that he was doing just fine and let him do his own thing whilst yours was a hard ass and didn't leave you without an advisor until you were given a big project.

  "Come here," Beomgyu said, nodding his head towards your computer.

  You sighed and walked over, putting your password in. After you did that, you felt hands snake around your waist and you were pulled into Beomgyu's lap. He placed his head on your shoulder and reached for your mouse, opening the file that contained the song you'd been working on.

  "Close your eyes," he whispered. You closed your eyes and leaned back. You listened to the song that you had made. It was rough around the edges and needed work, but overall, you were happy with most of it. "It's a good song. Don't stress about it too much. You're doing fine," Beomgyu told you after the song ended. His grip tightened around your waist.

  "Thank you," you whispered.

  The lack of sleep was getting to you. You'd pulled all nighters before and usually, you ended up sleeping a lot more the next night to make up for it. It was the worst when your head was throbbing. No matter how tired you were, you couldn't manage to fall asleep no matter how hard you tried. You'd end up getting only a few hours of sleep.

  Your head was throbbing. Having to work all day and listen to and comprehend so many conversations was hard. You wanted to nap the entire time, but you couldn't and now, you had a headache and you just couldn't fall asleep. You had to admit, having Beomgyu hold you did help.

  You sighed gently, a small pout forming on your lips as you kept your eyes closed, hoping that if you pretended to sleep, then maybe you'd fall asleep.

  "What is it?" He asked, his voice barely a whisper. "A headache?"

  You nodded in response. Your headache made you feel dizzy and tired and useless. Not only that but you also felt almost flustered because of it. Confused. If someone asked you to do something, you'd have to take a few seconds to comprehend it. Your head felt fuzzy.

  You felt Beomgyu bring his lips to your temple, gently trying to kiss the headache away. It almost worked. You could still feel a faint throbbing in your head.

  Beomgyu began to hum a slow and soft melody which eventually allowed you to drift off into a deep sleep.

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