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  Chapter 11

Writing songs is hard. No matter how simple someone can make it seem, it's hard as hell. Song writing is rewriting the same melody 20 times just so you can throw all of those melodies away to make a new one. It's writing 10 different versions of lyrics and hating all of them. It's wondering what's missing and adding a bunch of un-needed instruments and making the song temporarily worse.

That's the current issue you were having. You were sitting awake at 4 AM, the night before a big test, trying to find a way to make this melody work instead of studying. You'd rewritten it so many times. It was beginning to frustrate you.

You'd temporarily put 'Nap Of A Star' on hold because you'd done most of what needed to be done, other than the making of the final cut. You'd started working on another song. It needed to be fun and upbeat. Something an idol would dance to. A fun poppy beat but something you could write lyrics for.

Ballads were so much easier to write for because you didn't have to keep all the synths and drums in mind while you wrote. You could just play them on your piano and change the instruments later if you wanted. But with a song like this, you constantly were changing the drum beats, making them different but also consistent. You were changing them around and trying to find a solid beat to find a melody for. Songs like this weren't generally your style. You could make them, but it'd take you longer than 2 weeks and you, really only had a few days to come up with a rough version of this because Yeonjun needed to start choreographing and you all needed to get a video in production.

The stress had you ready to start ugly crying over your laptop. You just wanted to come up with a solid beat so you could continue to add onto it. Every time you heard the beat you had, something was wrong with it. Self doubt would creep out of nowhere, telling you it wasn't good enough.

Eventually, you gave up. You seldom gave up so easily, but this was one of those times where you just wanted to curl up in your blankets and wallow in self doubt. You couldn't help it.

When you woke up, you felt like you hadn't slept a single wink. You were feeling the opposite of creative. Your creative spirit had died in a hole overnight. Of course it had to happen when you needed a song most of all times.

  You were definitely frustrated. You wanted the weekend. You wanted to sleep all day and make music all night. You really just wanted to finish these songs. There was so much to do and so little time to do it. Just a pinch of inspiration was all you asked for, but you got none. If anything, right now, you had negative inspiration.

  You and Kai went to school together as always and he could sense how tense you were. When the two of you stepped into the building, he immediately put his hands on your stomach, rubbing it to ease your mind. It definitely made you feel more calm.

He dropped you off at your class, making sure you were okay before he left to go to his class. Taehyun came in a few seconds after you, seeming fidgety and nervous. The two of you had a big test today, so it was no wonder Taehyun was so nervous. You were too, considering you hadn't studied at all. You were hoping Taehyun's very presence would transfer some knowledge and wisdom upon you. Of course it wouldn't, but you could dream, right?

"Are you ready for the test?" You asked him.

"Ha. No," he snorted sarcastically.

"I'm not either," you sighed, melting into your desk.

"I hope we both do well," he said, trying to cheer you up.

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