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Chapter 36

  If you thought what happened in the gym for the filming of Crown was an operation, you weren't even close to ready for what the competition had in store for you. Several gorgeous sets that looked so real equipped with props and costumes and extras. Crews surrounded the giant cameras that had been set up to film. There were five chairs set up with a costume rack to the side of them. There were what seemed to be professional makeup and hair artists on standby. Everything looked so professional. It was at that moment that you realized you had no clue what you were doing.

  "There you are," Chaewon, one of the producers, called from behind. "The set looks good, right?" She asked, gesturing to the professionally created sets.

You were speechless. You couldn't even respond. This couldn't even compare to what you'd been doing for the beginning of the film.

"We hope we've done your vision proud. If you want anything to change, you're the boss. You have creative freedom. Of course, our camera director will be dealing with the cameras and such, but if you want anything to change, consider it done," Sungmin smiled.

"I think you guys are giving a first year in high school too much creative freedom," you chuckled nervously.

"We technically cannot offer help other than technical assistance," Chaewon told you. You weren't expecting much other than that anyways.

"You're the boss here. Anything you say, goes," Sungmin told you, almost hyping you up.

"Where are the other five?" Chaewon asked.

You were currently stood alone in the biggest studio you'd ever been in. It was intimidating as hell. You'd never seen such a big room.

"Oh. They're getting into their costumes," you responded. None of them had come back yet. You were anxiously awaiting them. It shouldn't have taken them too long. They were just changing from one school uniform to another.

"Well, if you need anything else, just give us a call and we'll have it here as soon as possible. Good luck." The two of them gave you a reassuring smile and walked away. Just as they walked out, your group of boys walked in in their slightly different uniforms. You honestly wondered what the purpose of changing was.

You sent them straight to the makeup chairs. Everyone else on the set was ready except them, so you told them to hurry up. It took about 10 minutes for them all to be finished and on set. You'd stood by the camera director the whole time, telling him the shots that you wanted to get. He was very good at framing them properly and making sure they looked nice. It also helped that the boys acting was on spot. They only laughed a few times.

The extras were like real professionals. Well, everyone except your little group of six seemed like professionals. The six of you were so nervous because of the professional atmosphere, you couldn't even bare to crack jokes. You'd somehow gotten all the footage you needed and then you were sent home. It was a shame you couldn't get a better look at those sets, but you were so nervous about being professional that you didn't even feel comfortable moving away from the camera director.

  The next day was Friday, the day you would record the vocals for Run Away. Recording kept getting smoother and smoother with less mistakes being made. Practice really does make perfect.

  You finished earlier than the previous nights and you were actually able to sit out in the living room and watch a movie. You'd all unanimously agreed on Hamilton, a brilliant musical that had just been put on streaming sites. It came as no surprise when all six of you knew all the lyrics.

  It was refreshing to watch as Soobin and Yeonjun rapped the cabinet battles, using their rivalry to their advantage. The four of you watched as they aggressively rapped back and fourth. They both had a talent for it. You were just sad that Soobin's rap skills hadn't been in any of the songs you'd made, but he was a very good singer and you needed him to sing.

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