Emotions Make A Good Song

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Chapter 32

Your eyes were dry from lack of sleep and puffy from how many times you wiped tears from them the previous day. They stung every time you closed them and the air ate away at any moisture they contained. You somehow felt slightly more energetic than usual, despite the all nighter you pulled. Your body was overcompensating for your lack of sleep. You came out of the emotional all nighter with a song, and you were pleased. Of course it was an emotional song for you. Maybe others wouldn't understand, but the song that you dubbed Magic Island, had a special meaning to you.

Throughout the day, you'd caught the five boys in the halls, either during break or when they were on their way to the class. You'd told them to meet you in the music room at lunch time. You hadn't even told Kai about the song. You figured if you did, he may be opposed to you putting out such an emotional piece.

You had no problem putting this song out. Sure, it made you emotional and contained a lot of your feelings, but all of the best songs come from times when you're emotional. To be a good song, it must contain emotion and feeling.

  You were the last one to arrive at the music room, despite having class with Taehyun and Kai. You told them to go ahead. You needed time to mentally prepare yourself. Sure, you didn't have a problem putting the song out, but that didn't mean that it wasn't emotionally taxing considering all that you'd gone through the previous day.

  When you stepped in, the five eyed you suspiciously. Especially Kai and Taehyun. You only told them to go without you, and that you'd catch up. It didn't even take you that long to emotionally prepare yourself.

  "So I finished a song last night," you started, only to be immediately cut off by Kai.

  "You didn't sleep? You know that's bad for you!" He scolded.

  "I know, but it was the best time to make it," you told him.

  "Where were you two yesterday?" Taehyun asked.

  Kai eyed you, trying to see if you were actually considering telling him.

  "I'll tell you after I play the song. I have lyrics and everything," you smiled, sitting at the piano. You took another deep breath, making sure that your voice was steady as well as your breathing, and then you started to play.

This song was now special to you. It had a special meaning behind it. The magic island where your brother waited for you. Of course, you added some lines to fit the storyline of the short film, but the meaning was still there. The inspiration was still there.

  As you sang, you didn't look at anyone's reactions. You didn't want to see them. You'd put a lot of vulnerability into writing the song and you couldn't handle the five pairs of eyes that watched you as you sang the melody over the sweet sound of the piano.

When you finished, you met their eyes wearily, scared of their reactions to such a vulnerable song. All of their jaws had dropped and Kai's eyes even welled up in tears, wondering if what he thought was true.

  "Does it have a title?" Kai asked, barely even a whisper.

  You gave a short nod and took a breath in, meeting his teary eyes, your own eyes welling up with tears too. You thought this wasn't going to happen. You thought you prepared enough so that you wouldn't cry, but it turns out you were wrong.

  "Magic Island," you responded.

  There was zero hesitation on Kai's part to pull you up from where you sat on the piano bench, and envelop you in a hug. You hugged him back as the other four watched in confusion.

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