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  Chapter 12

"I'm sorry, but in all honesty, I have no clue how the guitar even works..."

You definitely felt the need to apologize. You felt so stupid trying to transpose piano to guitar, especially seeing as you had zero knowledge about how the instrument even worked.

The two of you had met up over lunch in the band room. He'd brought his own electric guitar and had it plugged into a school amp. You sat at the piano playing the same part over and over again, hoping he could transpose it by ear. Luckily, Beomgyu was smart. He picked it up quickly. It did take a while for him to find the correct notes by ear, but with the help of perfect pitch, and a little bit of luck, you were steadily on your way to making a guitar part for the song.

This was possibly the hardest thing you've ever done. You've done a lot of hard stuff but transposing piano to guitar was the hardest thing you've ever done. The irony.

"It's fine. I have no clue how to play the piano either, so we're both even," he smiled back happily, gently playing the parts that the two of you had already transposed.

"I wish I could be more of a help," you sighed, replaying a part so he could get the right notes.

"You're being helpful enough. We're almost done too!" He said encouragingly.

"We can finish another time if you want. It should be simple," you told him.

"If that's fine with you," he shrugged, placing his elbows comfortably on the top of his guitar. "So you've never played a guitar?"

"Nope. I tried a while ago and I really should learn, but I don't have the motivation to," you shrugged, playing some freestyle notes on the piano.

"Do you want to try a little bit now?" He offered.

"Really?" You perked up.

"Sure," he smiled, standing up to grab a second chair to put beside his own. He ushered you to sit down beside him and then he handed you his guitar, but not before giving you a lecture about how careful you'd have to be.

"Your fingers must hurt after playing this a lot," you commented, your fingers already feeling sore after only pressing down on a string a couple of times.

"I've developed callouses. It doesn't hurt anymore," he shrugged, adjusting the way you held the guitar. "Here. Put your fingers here," he mumbled, grabbing your hand and moving your fingers to a few of the frets.

You pushed down hard and tried to strum, but it made no sound. This caused Beomgyu to laugh. You hadn't been pressing down on the strings hard enough.

"Press down harder," Beomgyu chuckled.

"Don't laugh at me," you pouted, trying again and making more of a sound than the first time. The guitar wasn't necessarily that hard to get a sound out, but when you didn't have callouses developed, it hurt your fingers a lot.

"I'm not!" He defended himself, still clearly laughing at you.

"I should make you play the piano," you grumbled, trying one more time, this time getting a nice sound out. After you strummed, you moved your fingers that pressed down on the strings, shaking out the pain.

"Sure. I'm willing to try," he shrugged, standing up and taking his guitar from you, putting it away nicely in its case.

You sat down first on the bench in front of the piano, him following shortly after, sitting beside you.

"Here," you said shortly, grabbing his hands and putting them on the keys, resting your own hands on top of his. You began to play a simple song. It didn't sound good of course, because your hands were only on top of his, but it still sounded decent.

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