Nugget's Girlfriend

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  Chapter 46

The first thing you did when you got home was take your makeup off. It was really tragic how you couldn't take it off before you went to sleep. After that, you took a shower. When you finally felt clean, you gave your parents an explanation. All they knew was that you stayed at the hospital overnight with one of your friends. They were hesitant to let you at first but they knew you only had good intentions.

After that, you went to sleep in your nice warm bed. It was way better than sitting in a chair and resting your head on a bed.

You were just glad the roller coaster of emotions was over. You'd been through consistent ups and downs that were too extreme for you to handle.

The only other thing that immediately hopped to your mind was that you were still in the competition. The stress only got worse and more extreme when you realized that Yeonjun, the choreographer, was badly injured. You supposed that some of his injuries would heal with time, but he had to keep his cast on for 8 weeks. You had no clue how that would work.

You thought that you'd be less stressed since you had four weeks until the next round, but you felt even more stress since you felt the pressure of having so much to do. You had no clue how you were going to have a choreography if Yeonjun couldn't do it. Perhaps the others could ban together under Yeonjun's verbal guidance to make a choreography, but you weren't exactly sure. You decided that you would all speak about it later. You couldn't stress about things that were no longer under your control.

When you woke up, your mom was cleaning the house, eager for the anticipated guests. Your parents had met the group of five, but only briefly. Your mother was excited to greet all of your friends. Possibly too excited.

When she finished cleaning, she sat around, seeming very antsy. You could see her watching the clock to see if it was the appropriate time to cook yet and as soon as it was, she was in the kitchen, making a feast. There were more different types of foods than you could count.

An hour before everyone showed up, she was nagging you to go get dressed. You hadn't changed out of your pyjamas all day. Honestly, if you didn't have guests, you wouldn't have changed out of them. You reluctantly went to change into more appropriate attire. You didn't understand why she was making you change now. There was still an hour before everyone was supposed to arrive. It seemed unnecessary.

After you changed, she nagged at you to go fix your hair. You had no clue who she was trying to impress with all of this. Maybe she saw your friends as your childhood friend, the smartest guy in your grade, the musically talented one who plays guitar, the captain of the basketball team, and the student body president but you knew that they were goofballs who are constantly discussing topics like how many eggs Soobin can carry in one hand.

  When they started arriving it your house, your mom turned on her nice mode. She would speak in a happier tone. She welcomed them all in with a smile one by one, starting with Kai who came early and ending with Yeonjun and Soobin who came just on time.

You greeted them at the door, kindly allowing them in, taking notice of how Yeonjun willingly had his arm slung over Soobin's shoulder, the latter leaning down to allow the former to rest his weight on him.

"Yeonjun, you look horrible," you grimaced, taking note of the smaller, more evident bruises that littered his, now exposed arms, yet another difference you had noticed. His skin was splotchy with bits of pale skin and small light greyish brown bruises. His eye was a deep purple, swollen almost completely shut.

"On the bright side, I can dress like a zombie for Halloween without having to do makeup. I even have the limp and everything," he joked, trying to lighten the mood as Soobin assisted him in stepping up the single stair that led to the rest of your house. You appreciated the little joke. It was enough to show you that he was mentally fine. At least as much as he showed, anyways.

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