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  Chapter 3

  Band class was yours and Kai's favourite class. You two were musically inclined so you loved playing and reading sheet music and anything musical in general, hence both of your bias towards High School Musical, although it wasn't your favourite musical.

  The period after lunch was band class. You were given books and instruments were assigned and sheet music was handed out. Classes like band class were mixed classes, which means that there was potential for every grade to be in one class. It made you nervous. You immediately checked out the band room. To your disdain, the piano was on the opposite side of the room from the percussion instruments.

  In the middle school band, you and Kai had always been close together. You disliked the idea of being that far apart. When your class began playing, it felt weird to not hear Kai on the piano beside you. You disliked it. Taehyun was far from you too. Percussive instruments were at the very back of the room and Taehyun sat in the very first row. You felt alone. Until someone spoke to you.

  "How can you play that with four mallets?" He asked from his seat beside you. The guitar player had been sat beside you the entire time as you played. This specific song required four mallets instead of just two, which is how many you usually played with. Using four mallets was complicated and required focus and precision. You had to hold a pair of mallets as you usually would, but also hold a pair in between some of your fingers. A very awkward thing to do, but it sounded cool.

"I practice a lot," you shrugged awkwardly, fiddling with the mallets in your hand.

"I think it's really cool," he beamed happily. He sure was an outgoing ray of sunshine, wasn't he? "My names Beomgyu. I'm a second year," he smiled, extending his hand.

"(Y/N). I'm a first year," you replied, awkwardly removing the mallet from in between your fingers so you could shake his hand.

"If you ever need help, don't be afraid to ask me. The teachers here love me," Beomgyu smiled politely.

"That's a lie and you know it," someone grumbled from in front of the two of you.

"Anyways, how long have you been doing music?" He asked, placing his elbows on his guitar which rested on his lap.

"Since elementary," you shrugged. "What about you?" You asked to be polite.

"Me too. I've been playing the guitar since I could walk," he boasted.

"Seems like there are a lot of musically talented people here," you mumbled, insecurity finally getting to you. Music was your thing, but it seemed like more and more people were getting better than you at it.

"You haven't even seen the half of it. There are two students here that could probably be professional singers," he said excitedly, almost bouncing in his chair.

"Really?" You asked curiously.

"Yeah. I can sing too, but these guys? They're on like, a whole new level. Choi Yeonjun and Choi Soobin. Those guys are crazy good singers. Soobin sang at a talent show last year and Yeonjun sang at a few major events. They're both talented in singing, but not even just singing. Yeonjun is the captain of the basketball team and Soobin is the student body president and has been since his first year, which is rare, seeing as they usually only let third year students be the student body president. Soobin is a crazy good leader and his planning skills are rivalled by no one. His grades are practically perfect and I'm pretty sure he's already been accepted into a really good university. Yeonjun is amazing too. He's been on the senior teams since his first year and his grades are also perfect. I'm pretty sure he's gonna get a full ride sports scholarship to the college of his dreams. Those two are insane," he blurted out, piling all the information on at one time. It was a lot to take in. There were people that talented at this school? Suddenly you felt minuscule.

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