10K Reads!!!

704 30 7

I'm not sure how recently this happened!! Lately I've been preoccupied so I only just checked!!

It means a lot to me, especially to have so many reads on this story in particular. I have lots of other stories on my profile but not only did this one take the longest to write, but I can remember lots of the time I spend writing it and I look back fondly on those memories. This story means a lot to me because I took an idea that I've had for a long time, and I finally got to develop it.

It makes me so happy to see that people enjoy this story in particular. I started writing it around April, maybe May, of last year so it was when COVID had already been a BIG thing. Crazy to think that where I live, we're in our second lockdown.

With the new TXT album coming out, I hope to find more inspiration because I genuinely do enjoy writing.

This book was inspired by the addition of the Eternally MV to the +U, and though I worked hard to try and piece their lore together, I couldn't manage much without the help of several theory channels on YouTube.

I remember that when this book began, I had only planned to get to the second part of the competition and so when I finally got there (I remember what I was doing when I wrote it) I just ran out of ideas. I suddenly had no clue what to write anymore. But then, I got more ideas and I finished the main plot of the book, but then, my arch nemesis appeared. The separate endings.

  They took me almost half a year to write, and not because I was actually writing them, but because I had no clue how I would actually write them. It took me so long, but then I figured I should just finish it already, like a bandaid, quick and painless, and I'm glad I finished it. If I had to choose any one of my works to be proud of, even though it may not be the most popular, this one would have to be my favourite. Like I said previously, it just means so much to me.

  Anyways, thank you so so so much for reading this story, and if you enjoyed it, I'm so glad you did. I appreciate you so much for reading this and I hope that whatever is happening in your life right now goes well, and I hope that this pandemic isn't too hard on you. Hopefully, it'll be over soon.

  Have a nice day, and once again, thank you so much :) <3

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