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Chapter 14

You were conflicted. The rest of what happened was a flash. Yeonjun rushed you home, repeating that you couldn't tell a single soul what you'd seen. He didn't even give you time to ask any questions. After you made it to your house he just... left. You didn't know where he would go or what he would do. He was just gone. Disappeared.

  You were still in shock. You didn't know what to do. Yeonjun was in trouble and you knew that. If you didn't tell someone, than technically, weren't you the reason this is still happening to him? But if you told someone, what if Yeonjun got into more trouble and was hurt more? You didn't know what to do.

  You hadn't even thought to message Kai, but he definitely had thought to message you.

Kai: (Y/N)? Are you home?

You: Yes.

Kai: Soobin is fine. Definitely angry with Yeonjun, but he's fine now.

Kai: What about Yeonjun???

  You had no clue how to answer. You were conflicted. It took you a few minutes to decide what to do. You couldn't decide whether it'd be better to tell someone, or try to help Yeonjun privately. You figured that you wouldn't tell anyone for the time being, until you could figure out what to do.

  You: He's fine too.

  Kai: That's good. That was some fight that happened.

  You: Yeah. Let's not dwell on it though. Think positively. Did you have fun today?

  Kai: Yesss~ >3< I enjoyed it a lot :)

  You: I'm glad

  Kai: I hope you enjoyed whatever you were doing •3•

  You: I was just touching up the tracks. Nothing too big.

  Kai: Sounds boring :/

  You: Once I record your voices, I'll have to put those in and then once the music video is recorded, I'll edit that and we can film for the Short Flim and then I'll edit that and start on the next songs for if we even make it past the first round

  Kai: Don't strain yourself. If you get too stressed then everything will get harder.

  You: I know, I know.

  Kai: Do you???

  You: Yes. Now, I need sleep if I have to deal with the two trouble makers tomorrow.

  Kai: Yes. Rest well~~~ <3 <3

  You: You Too <3

  You put your phone under your pillow and lay staring at the ceiling, knowing you wouldn't get any sleep that night.

The next day was Friday. Both movie night and the night you had set aside to record everyone's parts. You were stressed beyond belief. So many things were on your mind and you were practically tearing yourself apart from the inside. The thing bugging you the most was what happened with Yeonjun. You hadn't spoken to him since he left you. You'd even attempted to message him several times, but he left you on 'read'. You were worried and this intense amount of stress that stemmed from worrying, made you want to pull your hair out.

  Your worry subsided when you saw him in the hallways, walking with his friends and laughing with them as if nothing had happened the night prior. You couldn't help but look at him with furrowed brows and a troubled expression. When he met your gaze, his smile didn't drop, but his eyes changed. They begged you. They were desperate.

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