His side

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  Chapter 37

You: Good luck at your conference Soobin :)))

Soobin: Thanks a lot :)

It had been nearly a week since you'd dyed your hand blue and with all the incessant scrubbing, you'd rubbed parts on your hand raw, but the colour was gone, so you could give your poor hand a break. Today was the day Soobin would be at his conference. After that, you would be meeting up with everyone and they would start learning the choreography for Run Away. You'd set aside a whole day for it because they had to learn it completely before the next day, when you would be filming at the school. You felt really bad that they had to do that. If creating songs wasn't such a hassle at the beginning, then you might've been done sooner, but you had less than a week left to shoot the trailer scenes.

  It stayed on your mind for a while. You just wished you could've been faster. If you'd been faster, the others wouldn't have been under so much stress. You kept that in mind for the next round... that is, if you all even made it in to the next round.

Soobin: I'm bored.

You: Didn't it just start?

Soobin: Yeah, but didn't I mention how boring these meetings are?

You: Yeah, but I didn't think it'd immediately bore you.

Soobin: We're going over test statistics so we can see which classes need to be better so we can improve the teaching tactics. We're also looking at how to better enforce safety policies and rules.

You: Yeah, I'm not reading that. It's too long.

Soobin: Exactly

Soobin: Wait......

You: What?

Soobin: Someone brought up my fight with Yeonjun...

You: Which one?

Soobin: The one that got us into the competition... the food fight...

You: Why would they bring that up?

Soobin: They said it was surprising that a student body president actually got in trouble for something as petty as that

Soobin: Basically, they're mocking me...

You: Don't listen to them >:(

Soobin: They're saying that instead, I should've been suspended. They're saying that the principal was playing favourites.......

You: Thats not true.

Soobin: The principal is here and he just defended me :(((

You: Our principal really out here being an angel in disguise.

Soobin: He said that taking us out of school would've done nothing to solve the problem. He said that getting us to work through our differences to get to a common goal had worked and that we haven't scuffled in a while.

You: Our principal = Best principal

Soobin: He really is the coolest.

You: Don't let those stuck up Student Body President snobs get to you.

Soobin: Aren't I a 'stuck up Student Body President snob'?

You: No >:( You're a sweetheart.

You: You're different.

You: They want status. You wanna help people. You're different >:(

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