I Tried

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Chapter 51

Needless to say, when Kai came to wake you up the next day and he was greeted with you holding hands with Beomgyu in your sleep, he wasn't happy. Hell, the fact that Beomgyu had slept in your room didn't make him very happy either.

He pouted angrily, plopping onto your bed next to you, gently pulling you away so you let go of Beomgyu's hand, and then he started to rub your stomach, rousing you from your sleep.

"(Y/N), it's Saturday," he drawled out in a quiet voice.

"Which means I should get to sleep in," you groaned, grabbing a pillow and shoving it into your face.

"I thought we could hang out since you ignored me for so long," he pouted again, still rubbing your stomach.

"Go away." Your voice was muffled from the pillow you attempted to speak through.

"Cmon," he whined.

"Let me sleep," you begged, grabbing a second pillow to shove onto the first.

"Cmon (Y/N)," he whined again, now bouncing your bed up and down.

"I'm tired." Your voice was barely audible because of the two pillows you had smothered yourself with.

"Can't you sleep in tomorrow?" Kai begged you, still bouncing on your bed, desperate to wake you from your half asleep state.

"Can't we hang out tomorrow?" You replied.

"But I wanna hang out now," he whined.

"Shhh. Beomgyu's asleep."

Of course. Beomgyu. Kai wasn't very fond of Beomgyu even from the beginning. Of course, he considered Beomgyu a friend, so it's not like he hated Beomgyu. It's more like he was annoyed by the boy. He couldn't pinpoint why he felt so jealous when Beomgyu told him that you were letting him hear your songs. Actually, he could. It was because for the longest time, Kai was the person you showed your songs to, and now, you were offering to show them to others?

Kai was all for you having other friends but Kai was your best friend. He thought that he was the only one you would show your songs to. He knew your songs were special to you, so the fact that you would just show them to anyone made him feel less special. That's why he was jealous.

Regarding you, this year had been the hardest for Kai. Prior to this, you would tell Kai all your secrets. You would confide in him. The two of you would share everything with one another. There was no story of yours that he hadn't heard. You were practically inseparable. You'd hang out everyday. The two of you would share things that you wouldn't share with anyone else.

That's why this year was so hard. Everything was changing right before his eyes. You wouldn't tell him your secrets or confide in him anymore. Instead, you avoided him when you had issues. You didn't share everything with him anymore. He didn't know every story of yours. The hardest part was that you weren't inseparable anymore. It felt like more often than not, the two of you were away from each other. You'd see each other every day, but you'd never hang out. You were always busy with Taehyun or Beomgyu or Soobin or Yeonjun, but never him anymore.

  It was really hard for him. You were his best friend that no one could replace. He thought that you felt the same, but he felt pretty easily replaced. 

  "I missed you," he moped quietly.

  "I've been here the whole time silly," you told him from under the pillows, your hand moving to pat his knee, only succeeding after missing a few times.

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