Worked So Hard

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Chapter 40

  ⚠️Trigger Warning: Mention of Injuries and Blood throughout the entire chapter⚠️

  You had panicked. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to walk him to the hospital but you couldn't think of anything else to do. When your mind is in a frenzy, sometimes you don't think of any logical options. You didn't think to call an ambulance, or to call your parents, or even Kai's parents. You were too panicked. You just slipped his arm over your shoulder, closed your door and started walking as fast as the two of you could to the hospital. You were lucky that the hospital was only 10 minutes away by foot.

  You couldn't even form words. He was trying to talk to you and you couldn't even respond. The only thing you could do was support him and pray that you weren't hurting him as you rushed him to the emergency room.

  "(Y/N)," he rasped when you first slipped his arm over your shoulder. He attempted to pull it away but you gently, yet firmly pulled his arm down to rest on your shoulder.

  You had done this before. This time, he didn't have to lean down as far to lean his weight on you. The extra weight pressed your feet into your heeled shoes in the most uncomfortable way, but the adrenaline erased the pain and you continued on, walking him as quickly and as gently as you could.

  "(Y/N), your dress," he rasped out again.

  You hadn't noticed it until he mentioned it but  his blood stained shirt and blood smeared arm had left sickening red stains on your white dress. You didn't care.

  "(Y/N), I'm sorry," he apologized softly. You couldn't think of the words to say, but you wanted to scold him for being sorry. He didn't need to be sorry. You didn't know exactly whose fault it was, but you knew it wasn't something he had to apologize for.

  He didn't say anything again until you reached the hospital. Up until then, you had only one objective. Get Yeonjun to the hospital. Now that you were there, your head was more clear. You could think more logically and properly.

  "We're gonna be late for the competition," he whispered, almost choking up again.

  "The competition? That's seriously what you're worried about?! We're at the hospital and you're worried about some stupid competition?" You questioned, wanting to scold him.

  You sat in the extremely inefficient emergency room with him. When you first sat down, you gently took the hand with the gash in it and wrapped it in the skirt of your dress so that the blood wouldn't pool up on the floor, but also in attempt to stop the bleeding. As you pressed his hand into the skirt of your dress, you used your thumb to rub circles onto the back of his hand.

  You had to wait for a doctor to put him in a room and it was taking forever. You'd think more doctors would pay attention to someone in his condition. As you rubbed soothing circles into the back of Yeonjun's hand, you felt your phone vibrating sporadically. It was Kai calling you.

  "Hello?" You answered.

  "Where the hell are you?!" He demanded.

  "The hospital," you answered. You were going to give further explanation but Kai cut you off.

  "The hospital?! Why are you at the hospital?! What happened?! Are you okay?! We're on our way!" He yelled through the phone.

  "Kai! I'm fine," you said firmly, trying to keep your voice down. "I'm with Yeonjun. He's hurt. Bad."

  "What happened?" Kai asked, seeming slightly more calm, yet still panicked.

  "I don't know. We're waiting for a room," you told him.

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