190: I like her then

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Elaine's POV

Today Billie and I had gone to a award show, as always she scooped an award. We were now in the the car going to an after party Daniella was hosting. Well let's just say me and her don't really gel. She's always up in Billie's jam and I don't like it. When we got to the party she welcomed Billie and I, even though she gave me a weird look. Billie and I sat in a sofa and she was drinking alcohol

Elaine: babe, take it easy

Billie: babe relax I'll just have one

I didn't like this one bit but I let her be. One drink turned into two and two turned into three. Billie is so funny when she's tipsy so I was laughing my ass out.

Elaine: stop my stomach hurts

She just brushed my hair away from my face and smashed her lips against mine. She tasted like alcohol, so I pulled away.

Elaine: I think we should go now

Billie: come on don't be a party popper

Elaine: okay we'll stay a little bit more

She roughly pecked my lips then pulled me to the dance floor.

Elaine: you know I can't dance

Billie: I'll teach you

She then starts dancing and she almost fell

Elaine: (giggle) you're gonna fall

Billie: I won't, trust me

Elaine: (giggle) I have to use the restroom, I'll be back in a minute

Billie: okay, don't take too long

I went to the bathroom and splashed my face, to be honest with you I was really enjoying myself. I go back to where I left Billie and I find her dancing with Daniella. No it was not just any dance it was that thirst trap kinda dance. Daniella sees me and she smirks at me and kiss Billie's neck. I stood there and looked at them, I was so jealous and hurt. Billie finally saw me and I ran outside, she ran after me. When I got outside she got to me and tried to hold me.

Elaine: don't touch me

Billie: why you mad?

I kept quiet, then my Uber arrived and I tried to get in but she roughly pulled me to her and tried to kiss me but I slapped her.

Elaine: leave me alone

I got in the Uber and I cried the whole ride home. When I got home I unlocked the door, and as I was unlocking the door Billie's car pulled over and I was carrying my heels that I took off in the Uber. To be honest I don't know how she drove because she was tipsy. I quickly get inside and when I was about to close the door she forces her way in. She roughly pulls me to her and I wince.

Elaine: let go of me

Billie: what's wrong with you?

Elaine: Billie let go of me

Billie: why you mad?

Elaine: you're hurting me

Billie: Elaine why are you acting crazy?

Elaine: Billie you're hurting me!

She finally lets go of me

Billie: why are you angry? It's not like we were fucking or anything we were just dancing

Elaine: so you also wanted to fuck her?

Billie: Elaine what is wrong with you?

Elaine: why were you dancing with her like that? How did you think I'd feel?

Billie: about dancing with someone?

Elaine: oh Billie now you'll play dumb?

Billie: will you just stop with the drama?

Elaine: oh so now I'm dramatic?

Billie: you know what? I'm going to sleep

Elaine: no you're not

Billie: seriously?

Elaine: do you like her?

Billie: what the fuck?

Elaine: I asked you do you like her?

Billie: no I don't

Elaine: you're lying you do!

Billie: Elaine don't get me started

Elaine: you do like her don't you?

Billie: Elaine I want to sleep

Elaine: then answer me

Billie: if I have to say I like her to get some sleep I like her then

I run up the stairs crying then throw the heel at her and it misses her. I get in our bedroom and cry.


Elaine|Billie Eilish Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang