29: why are you still with me?

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Billie's POV

We finally arrive in this castle looking like house. We get off the car and I just stand there admiring the house.

Elaine: are you coming?

Billie: you didn't tell me your family owns a castle

Elaine: it's no big deal

Gosh this girl is crazy if she thinks her family owning a castle is no big deal. I just stand there nervously

Elaine: babe are you okay?

Billie: how do I look?

Elaine: great

Billie: good first impressions last forever

She giggles but I feel nervousness lingering in her voice. I walk up to her and cup her face.

Billie: why you nervous?

Elaine: psssh what are you talking about I'm not nervous

Billie: babe talk to me

She just drags me to the door and rings the bell. A chubby lady opens for us.

Lady: you made it?

Elaine: yeah

Lady: who's your friend? She's pretty

Elaine: this is Billie my girlfriend, Billie this is aunt Katie

Katie: nice to meet you dear

Billie: same here

We go inside, all I can say it's that it was breathtaking it was so fancy. Elaine's aunt leads us to the backyard where the lunch is being held. The backyard was so huge you could fit in three more houses.

Billie: this is beautiful

Elaine: I know right?

We sit down then they start talking a language I don't understand.

Elaine's POV

NB: Elaine's paternal family are Boers so they speak Afrikaans even thou I'll write in English.

Elaine: afternoon

Grandma: hello who is your friend?

Elaine: oh this is my girlfriend Billie

Grandpa: girlfriend?

Elaine: yes grandpa my girlfriend

Grandpa: no I refuse no granddaughter of mine will date the same gender as hers.

Katie: but dad...

Grandpa: shut up Katie what I said is final

Elaine: but grandpa I love her

Grandma: Elaine your grandpa is right you should be with Dr Van Der Merwe's son

When she mentioned him I felt so furious tears threatened my eyes. Billie held my hand.

Billie: baby are you okay?

I shed a tear which I vigorously wipe away and just nod at her.

Elaine: you know what I've had it. All my life I've been working hard to be a part of my family, my own family. But all you do is shut me down and out. You know what if you feel that way I'd rather not be part of this family. You hate me all because my mom is black. I don't know what she ever did to you for you to hate her so much. I've had it with this family. Just so you know you're precious Dr Van Der Merwe's son tried to force himself on me.

Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now