84: pregnancy test

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Elaine's POV

I hardly slept last night because I kept having dreams of what happened. I wake up early and go for a jog, after that I come back and find Isa in a unicorn onesie.

Elaine: morning

Isa: morning

Elaine: how did you sleep?

Isa: like a baby

Elaine: I'm glad so are you hungry?

Isa: yeah I didn't eat last night

Elaine: eat cereal then after I freshen up I'll make breakfast

Isa: it's okay I'll wait for you

Elaine: are you sure?

Isa: yeah

Elaine: okay see ya

I then to our en suite bathroom and take a quick shower. I thought Billie was still asleep but I find her on her phone, I was walking butt naked so when I realise that Billie is awake I quickly wrap a towel around my body.

Billie: what's wrong?

Elaine: nothing

Billie: you know that I know every inch of your body right?

I just ignore her and go get dressed in the closet. When I come out of the closet I find Billie already making the bed. When she sees me she pulls me closer to her and tries to kiss me but I look away.

Billie: why don't you want me to kiss you?

Elaine: you haven't brushed your teeth

Billie: mmhmm

I get out of her hands and walk to the kitchen to start on breakfast.

Billie's POV

Now I'm certain that something is wrong and Elaine is not letting me in. I freshen up then go to the kitchen and I find her talking to Isa.

Billie: morning

Isa: morning

I purposefully try to kiss Elaine again but she pretends to be very busy. I go sit on the sofa and try to understand what's going on. I'm starting to get worried. She brings me breakfast and sits on the sofa opposite mine and I just look at her. She notices that I'm looking at her and she tries by all means to avoid my gaze. After breakfast Isa helps me with dishes.

Billie: I have to go now I'll be back later on

Elaine: okay

Billie: I love you

Elaine: me too

I then head to Fin's apartment.

Elaine's POV

I was trying to avoid Billie at any costs because she can see right through me and I will end up talking. I wasn't ready to disclose to anyone at the moment so I've kept to myself. I was feeling kinda sick so I wanted to get a pregnancy test

Elaine: don't you wanna go shopping?

Isa: I'll never turn down a free shopping spree

Elaine: (giggle) okay then let me change

I was wearing I dress so I go change into boyfriend jeans and one of Billie's hoodies. We then go shopping after shopping we head back to the apartment and I take the pregnancy test. I am anxiously wait for the results as much as I love babies I was not ready to have a baby with someone who violated me. The test comes back negative and I've never felt this relieved so I go to sleep. I try to sleep whenever I can because I hardly do at night because of all the nightmares.

Elaine|Billie Eilish Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant