108: nice surprise

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Elaine's POV

Billie and I have been married for two years now. We adopted a cute rescue dog Sharkie. I've been feeling drowsy and puking since I woke up. I was in bed with Billie who had made me soup to regain strength. I try to down the soup but I feel like puking so I rush to the bathroom and puke while Billie holds my hair.

Billie: baby you should try again

Elaine: Billie we check two weeks ago and our next procedure is in a week so there's no way

Billie: okay let me take you to a doctor then

Elaine: okay I'll take another test then

Billie: you pretty much don't like doctors for someone who's one

I just roll my eyes then take a pregnancy test and wait for two minutes.

Elaine: I'm telling you see the test says I'm pregnant. Wait what? I'm PREGNANT?

Billie: are you serious?

Elaine: yes it says I'm ten weeks pregnant

She came to hug me

Elaine: we're going to be mommies

Billie: wait if you're ten weeks pregnant then why did the test you took two weeks ago say otherwise?

Elaine: maybe something was wrong

Billie: but with all of them?

Elaine: I don't know

Billie: let's go to a doctor to be sure

Elaine: okay let me wear shoes

I wear shoes then we go to the doctor, when we get there the doctor confirms that I'm pregnant and that I'm ten weeks. He said that maybe the first time it didn't show because I was stressed or something. Billie was so excited that when we got home she started treating me like a sick person.

Billie: sit down I don't want you to do anything

Elaine: babe I'm pregnant not sick

Billie: I know but I want you to relax

Elaine: come sit next to me then

She sits and we cuddle

Billie: I'm so excited to tell my parents

Elaine: uhm Billie

Billie: mamas?

Elaine: can we please keep it to ourselves until I'm done with the first trimester

Billie: why?

Elaine: anything can happen at the moment

Billie: okay

Elaine: plus I don't want anyone else beside our family and friend to know about this

Billie: yes ma'am your wish is my command

Elaine: thank you


After a month or so we decided that now we can tell our families. Everyone was gathered in our house and we were Facetiming with my mom and Isa.

Drew: okay here are the snacks

Fin: so what did you want to talk about?

Sandra: is everything okay? Y'all better not tell me you're divorcing

Elaine:(giggle)  no mom we're not

Isa: what is it then?

Maggie: let them talk

I was sitting on top of Billie's lap and she had her arms wrapped around my waist.

Elaine: should I tell them or you will?

Billie: you do

Elaine: are you sure?

Billie: yes.

Elaine: we are expecting, we're four months pregnant

Sandra:  what are you serious?

Elaine: (nod) yes you're gonna be an ouma

Maggie: are you sure?

Billie: yes mom we're sure

After she said that she unzipped the jacket I was wearing, exposing my tiny bump.

Zara: ncooh your bump is so tiny

Isa: I'm gonna be an aunt

Drew: I can't believe Billie is gonna be a mom

Billie: I'm gonna be the coolest mom ever

Elaine: you're just gonna spoil the baby

Elaine: please don't tell anyone else I don't want media and paps to know about my pregnancy

Zoe: rest assured, omg I can't believe it

Fin: wait what is the gender?

Elaine: we don't know

Billie: she doesn't want to know she says she want it to be a surprise

Elaine: yeah babe it should be the surprise

Pat: it sure will be a nice surprise

Elaine: you see dad gets the idea

Billie: (eye roll) y'all just old school

Elaine: the element of surprise


Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now