100: crucified

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Elaine's POV

Billie and I woke up around twelve since yesterday we didn't sleep as we were on an interview. The interview was about my case, people were very interesting to know what happened and I wanted to be the one they heard it from before media twists this. So Billie and I just finished making love, we just can't get enough of each other okay. We were now sitting in the sitting room searching for something to watch. When we heard a knock on the door. I open the door and find an infuriated Isa.

Isa: where is she?

Elaine: huh?

She just barges in and slaps Billie, we both look at Isa confused.

Elaine: Isa what's wrong with you?

Isa: how could you do this to my sister? After she gave you her all you do her like that?

Elaine: what are you talking about?

Isa: Elaine I know she cheated on you

Elaine: who told you?

Isa: Elaine it's all over the media! Why are you even still with her? Is it the money or the fame?

I was so pissed at her I tried to slap her but Billie held my hand and shook her head

Elaine: what? Isa you don't get to come here and talk to me like that okay? Don't tempt me!

Isa: Elaine she doesn't deserve you

Elaine: Isa get out of here now!

Isa: what?

Elaine: you heard me don't make me repeat myself!

Isa: fine I'll go!

She slams the door on her way out. I go to Billie and she looks at me with tears in her eyes. I walk up to her and hug her.

Elaine: I'm sorry about Isa's behaviour I don't know what got into her

Billie: she's right I don't deserve you

Elaine: baby don't say that, she doesn't mean any of that. I love you band I know you love me too

She then started crying, this is the second time I've ever seen Billie cry since we were together. She was always the strong one and I was the crybaby, seeing her cry cut me deep I could feel my heart shatter.

Elaine: baby don't cry please you're gonna make me cry

Billie: Elaine I'm sorry I'm so sorry

Elaine: baby what are you sorry for?

Billie: I failed to protect you from Samuel and I cheated on you

Elaine: baby no don't apologize for something you didn't do okay? What Samuel did has nothing to do with you, and please stop apologizing it's all in the past now.

I kiss her then hug her.

Elaine: now I'll run you a hot bubble bath okay?

She flashes a smile at me and I kiss her dimple

Elaine: now stop crying you're an ugly crier(giggle)

Billie: (chuckle) and you're a pretty crier?

Elaine: yes now go bath I'll be back

Billie: where are you going?

Elaine: I'll be back

She goes to bath and I order an Uber. I was so furious at Isa how could she?
When I got home I barge in.

Sandra: Elaine what's wrong?

Elaine: where's Isa?

Sandra: she's in her room

I call out her name and she comes downstairs.

Elaine: Isabelle how dare you?

Sandra: what did she do?

Elaine: she put her filthy hand on my girlfriend

Sandra: she what?

Isa: the same one that cheated on you?

Sandra: what?!

Elaine: what does that have to do with you?

Sandra: Elaine she cheated on you? Why are you still with her?

Isa: thanks mom!

Elaine: because I love her, I tried staying away from her but the more I did the fonder my heart got.

Isa: but she cheated

Elaine: so you will crucify her for that her whole life?I'm not denying that she did something stupid but why should all the good she's ever done be overlooked because of one stupid mistake? How would you feel if I held everything you did against you huh? I love her and that's it and Isa I really don't appreciate you putting your hands on her because it won't be nice if she put hers on you

After I said that I got in the Uber and went back to the penthouse. When I got there I found Billie finishing getting dressed

Billie: you're back?

Elaine: yeah

Billie: where have you been?

Elaine: home

Billie: I hope....

Elaine: leave it, come let's watch Fruitvale Station

She comes and we snuggle then we watch her favourite movie.


Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now