164: bearing gifts

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Elaine's POV

I just had dinner and now I was lying in bed preparing to sleep. Billie was downstairs tidying up, she then came back.

Elaine: baby aren't they coming I want to sleep?

She got under the covers with me and kissed my forehead then pulled me closer to her.

Billie: sleep my love I told them to come tomorrow because you're a little tired

Elaine: thanks you're so thoughtful, let me sleep before he wakes up

Billie: did you finish the pumped milk?

Elaine: no I reserved it for at night

Billie: okay good night

Elaine: good night

Within five minutes I went to lala land. I slept for sometime then I was woken up by Aidan crying, I try to get up but Billie insist that she got it I should sleep. She then goes to the nursery and after a few minutes Aidan stops crying. I sit there waiting for Billie and she comes back after sometime.

Elaine: what was the matter?

Billie: he was hungry

Elaine: did you burped him?

Billie: am I supposed to do that?

Elaine: (giggle) yeah I can assure you right now that he's not asleep because you didn't burp him

Billie: how do I do that?

Elaine: come let me show you

We go to the nursery and as I had predicted he wasn't sleeping but he wasn't crying either. I take him from the cot and hold him while brushing him until he burped.

Billie: that's all I had to do?

Elaine: (giggle) yeah

I then put him back in the cot and we walk away. We get in bed and we sleep, we kept waking up whenever he cried. It was soon morning.

Billie's POV

It was eight in the morning and Elaine hadn't woken up. I wake up and go freshen up, after that I take the monitor with me to the lounge, while I do some work. Around nine Aidan woke up crying so I went to get him and feed him the milk that Elaine had pumped in the middle of the night. I feed and burp him and I lay him next to me and give him a stuffed toy. After he slept I put him back in his cot. Then I continued with my work, after sometime Skylar barged in with my parents, Fin, Claudia and Zara.

Skylar: mom!

I hugged her and tossed her up in the air

Billie: I missed you how are you?

Skylar: I missed you too, where's mommie and the baby?

Billie: (chuckle) who told you mommie has a baby?

Skylar: grandma

Billie: (chuckle) they're sleeping

Maggie: baby

Billie: mom how are you?

I flash a smile at her because of how happy I was

Zara: she's so happy it's written all over her face

Claudia: how are you?

I hugged all of them whilst carrying Skylar

Billie: I'm good, I'm very good

Fin: where's my sister in law?

Billie: she's asleep we hardly slept last night

Zara: she must be tired

Billie: ask me about it

Pat: where's my grandson?

Billie: he was awake not so long ago but I just put him to sleep

Fin: look at you I'm so proud of you sis

Billie: Sadie go tell Hannah to please make us breakfast

Off she went

Elaine's POV

I was still sleeping when I heard a figure jumping on the bed and that can only be one person. I open my eyes and smile at her.

Skylar: mommie wake up

Elaine: I'm awake baby

Skylar: grandma, grandpa, uncle Fin, aunt Claudia and aunt Zara are all here

I pull her down so she's lying next to me.

Elaine: I missed you

Skylar: mommie your belly is small again?

Elaine: (giggle) yeah baby it shrunk

Skylar: because the baby got out?

Elaine: mmhhmmm

Skylar: can I go see him?

Elaine: you'll see him when he wakes up okay?

Skylar: okay

Elaine: where's mom?

Skylar: downstairs with everyone

Elaine: okay let me freshen up I'm coming

Skylar: okay

Billie's POV

Skylar came back after sometime, with a grin on her face.

Skylar: mommie said she's coming

Billie: you woke her up?

Skylar: (nods)

Billie: Skylar you shouldn't have mommie is tired

Skylar: sorry

Billie: it's okay baby, go watch TV I'll get you when breakfast is ready

Skylar: grandma made me eat before coming

Billie: okay, I'll get you candy then

She went to the cinema room and watched cartoons. We sat there chatting then after sometime Elaine descended.

Elaine: morning

Everyone greeted her back

Billie:  morning love

I get up and help her walk down the stairs because I could see she was in pain. We then sat down and I put my hands on her thighs.

Maggie: my beautiful daughter in law how are you feeling?

Elaine: I'm okay

Billie: don't you want breakfast we already ate

Elaine: I'll eat a bit later

Billie: are you sure?

Elaine: yeah

Zara: we didn't come empty handed we came bearing gifts


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