30: are you on the menu?

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Elaine's POV

We have been back from Africa for about three days now. In those three days I hardly saw Billie, she was preparing for tour as it's starting next week. I was just lazing around when Billie came back.

Billie: babe

Elaine: in the bedroom

I hear her dangling chains getting louder, so I assume she's coming here. She gets in with the biggest mischievous grin ever.

Elaine: what are you up to?

Billie: ta daa

She hands me a box. I just look at her in defeat, she's always getting me things.

Elaine: Bill...

Billie: come on open it before you blabber

I open the box and what I saw in there left my jaw on the ground.

Elaine: whose dick did you chop off?

Billie: (chuckles) that's a strap

Elaine: I know but why?

Billie: we are gonna use it

I just look at her like she's crazy

Elaine: you have to be kidding me

Billie: please

Elaine: Billie this will tear me apart

Billie: it won't come on

Elaine: gosh what did I ever do to you?

Billie: (chuckles) you in?

Elaine: I'm considering it but let me go take a shower.

I go on to take a shower. I hear the door open to see Billie wearing it.

Elaine: I said I would consi....

She just pins me against the wall and smashes her lips on mine. I kiss her back she lifts me up and I wrap my legs around her torso.


I was still alseep when Billie started showering me with kisses all over my face.

Elaine: (mumble) what do you want?

Billie: I want you to get up Claudia and Zara will be here in an hour

Elaine: but I'm sore

Billie: let me kiss it better

Elaine: Billie I'm serious

Billie: I'm also serious

I sit up straight and look at her, she was dead serious so I cave. After that I go freshen up then wear a Billie t-shirt I recently bought and it's like a dress. When I come out of the shower I find Billie ready to go.

Billie: I gotta leave now

Elaine: aren't you gonna eat?

After saying that I instantly regret it cause I knew her answer.

Billie: I already ate

Elaine: yeah right bye

Billie: bye I love you

Elaine: I love you too

She leaves and I'm left alone so I go watch TV. Zara and Claudia finally arrive.

Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now