136: seems good

222 5 0

Elaine's POV

Billie and I had an appointment with our endocrinologist today. He was going to examine me and stuff.

I was still feeding Skylar who was running all over the house.

Elaine: Skylar come on mom and I have to go

She just runs and laugh, she bumps into Billie and she carries her in her shoulder.

Billie: princess you have to eat

Skylar: I don't want you to go

She puts Skylar on the counter

Billie: baby we have to go

Skylar: (pouts)

Billie: don't you want mommie to have a baby?

Skylar: (smiles and nod)

Billie: see so now be a big girl and eat

Skylar: are you gonna come back with a baby?

Billie: we might

Skylar: really mommie?

I nudge Billie and smile at Skylar. I feed her then we hit the road. We were now in the car.

Elaine: why did you say that to Skylar?

Billie: what?

Elaine: that we're having another baby?

Billie: aren't we?

Elaine: yeah but not now, plus I want it to be a surprise like we did with her pregnancy

Billie: you didn't tell me, sorry

Elaine: it's fine, I just want everything to go fine

She assures me and brushes my thigh with her free hand. We finally make it to our appointment and the doctor does all the necessary examinations. Now we're in his office and he was giving us the report.

Dr: it all seem good, I don't see any problems in your uterus or fallopian tubes and there's nothing wrong with your ovaries.

Billie: uhm so everything is fine?

Dr: yes it all seems fine, you can start the procedure anytime you want

Elaine: we're thinking of starting in about a year, right now I want to make sure I'm healthy and I meet all the standards to have a health baby

Dr: okay you know I'm always ready when you are

Elaine: (smile) thank you

We leave and get in the car

Elaine: you were quiet what's wrong?

Billie: (smile) nothing I'm just can't wait to have a baby

Elaine: (giggle) but you still have to go to tour remember?

Billie: urgh yeah

Elaine: (laugh) stop whining and let's go get some food I'm hungry

Billie: where you want to go?

Elaine: I don't know but I want something greasy

Billie: didn't you just say you want to be healthy?

Elaine: this one time please

We go and she gets us vegan chicken wings, burger, french fries and soda. We park in some lot and we indulge.

Elaine: oh my goodness this tastes so good, I could make love to it

Billie quickly turns to me and looks at me with her eyebrows furrowed.

Billie: what?

Elaine: what? It tastes good

Billie: make love to it?

Elaine: I'm expressing the pleasure I'm getting

Billie: you're weird

Elaine: those are beautiful things

Billie: (chuckle)

Elaine: oh my goodness can we get more wings?

Billie: what have I done?  I shouldn't have shown you this spot

Elaine: their wings are so good, we should also get Skylar something here instead of getting her the chipotle you were gonna get her

Billie: sure they have a kiddies menu

Elaine: okay let's go

She goes through the drive thru and she gets more wings and something for Skylar. We then go back, when we get in the house we find Skylar doing puzzles with Zara.

Zara: finally where have you been?

Skylar: to get another baby

Zara: you're expecting or planning?

Skylar comes to me and I pick her up, Billie's phone rings and she goes to answer it

Elaine: no we're not doing anything

Skylar: mommie where's the baby?

Elaine: we didn't find it

Skylar: (frowns)

Elaine: we'll go back and get it okay? don't be sad

Skylar: okay

She gets off me and go to Billie.

Zara: so you're pregnant again?

Elaine: no I'm not

Zara: you're lying

Elaine: gosh Zara I'm telling you

Zara: what were you doing in a fertility clinic then?

I bluntly lie to her and tell her that I went to freeze my eggs for future purposes when we want more babies. I could tell she was skeptical but she had no choice but to believe what I'm saying. No I'm not going to tell everyone about this because I want it to be a surprise for everyone.


Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now