179: making me shy

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Elaine's POV

We had just came back from having dinner with Billie's parents and I just tucked Skylar in bed and Billie tucked Aidan.

Elaine: your mom sure can whip a pot

Billie: yeah she's great in the kitchen

Elaine: that leaves me wondering who do you take after?

I say laughing at her and she laughs along

Elaine: let's go change into something more comfortable so we can watch a movie

Billie: behind you

Elaine: okay

I go upstairs and undress then Billie walks in while I was only left with my bare breasts and a thong. She sits on the bed and looks at me. Till this day I haven't gotten used to the fact that Billie is a blunt starer.

Elaine: you're making me shy

Billie: stop being shy and come here

I go to her and sit on top of her and she grabs my waist and I arch when she touches me because of the mental rings that sent shivers up my spine when she touched me.

Elaine: your rings are cold

Billie: sorry, so what did y'all get up to today?

Elaine: we went to the salon as you can see, went a little shopping, had lunch then went to a spa

Billie: I saw a Agent Provocateur shopping bag (smirk) want to show me?

Elaine: (blush) not today

She pecks my lips, nose, forehead, neck, chest and nipples. After that she gives me the seductive look and I know that if I don't escape now I'll never get a chance to. I get off her and wear a knitted jersey, sweat pants and warm socks then we went downstairs and I prepared the snacks while she lit up the fire place. I put the snacks in the coffee table and we cuddle while she rents a movie. We watch a couple of movie and I ended up with my head on her lap and my legs overhanging from the couch. We were now watching a romantic movie, we watch for a while then we started kissing then I pull away.

Elaine:  let's watch the movie

Billie: okay

We watch the movie while Billie kept making circles on my thighs.

Elaine: this wood cabin is so nice imagine what we would do if we could go to such a place, without the drama

Billie: you want to go to the woods and stay in a cabin?

Elaine: yeah

Billie: and leave the kids behind?

Elaine: yeah but that won't happen

Billie: imagine all we could do there just the two of us.

Elaine: (giggle) shhh let's watch the movie

Billie's POV

We were still watching and the next thing I know Elaine was asleep. I carefully get her head off my lap and place it on a pillow. From there I carry her bridal style to the bedroom and tuck her in. After tucking her in I make some phone calls. I was going to get her what she wants I'll take her to a cabin in the woods as her belated birthday gift. Elaine hardly celebrated her birthday because it was on Christmas and on Christmas it's about family for her. Yes we do gift her but we don't celebrate it the way we did before we had kids.

I really love Elaine and it seems I grow more in love with her everyday. She's shown me nothing but love ever since we've been together. She takes care of me, shower me with love and compliments. She supports me through everything I do, she takes care of us and keeps up with her career without complaining. Elaine is just an amazing person and my parents adore her for loving me and bearing me such beautiful children.


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