62: great couple

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Elaine's POV

Honestly I don't know how to feel about last night. When Billie confessed her love for me I was happy but it also hit me that there's also Alex in the picture. I brush these thoughts away and get ready for work.

Zara: should I take you to work?

Elaine: if you will pick me up later

Zara: yeah sure

I take all the stuff I'll need through out the day and then she drives me to work.

Zara: so have you made your decision yet?

Elaine: no not yet

Zara: why don't you go on the date with Alex and see if you have chemistry

Elaine: you are onto something

Zara: but I'll support you in which ever decision you make

Elaine: thank you

Zara: it's okay, now get your butt off my car you've arrived

Elaine: (giggle) bye I love you

Zara: whatever

Elaine: you know you love me too

My shifts starts and I start working, Angie is on leave so I'm working with Stephenie and she's so noisy.

Stephenie: so is your girlfriend coming today?

Elaine: my girlfriend?

Stephenie: yeah the one covered in tattoos

Elaine: she's not my girlfriend

Stephenie: but she sure likes you

Elaine: yeah right

Stephenie: you two would make a great couple

Elaine: Uhm Steph can we please get back to work, I don't like discussing my private life with colleagues 

Stephanie: oh I'm sorry

Elaine: it's okay

We continue working and she kept on talking, I don't even know what she was talking about. Finally it was lunch so I'd get a break from her. She leaves for her lunch and Alex comes in.

Alex: long time no see

Elaine: hi

Alex: hi how are you gorgeous?

Yes she has pet names for me but I don't have any for her

Elaine: I'm good you?

Alex: I'm good but you don't look so good

Elaine: yeah I'll be fine I just have a headache Steph wouldn't stop talking

Alex: (chuckle) what was she saying

Elaine: she was going on about how we'd make a great couple and stuff

She holds my hands in hers and gently rubs the back of my hand with her thumb

Alex: well I don't think she's lying

I pull my hands away from hers

Elaine: Uhm you want to grab something?

Alex: I brought lunch

Elaine: what did you bring?

Alex: Chinese noodles

Elaine: you're the best

She hands it over to me and I dig in, gosh I was hungry.

Alex: slow down you're gonna choke

Elaine: gosh this is so good

Alex: so...

Elaine: so?

Alex: have you thought about going on a date with me?

Elaine: Uhm I haven't really had time to think about it

Alex: oh

Elaine: I'll let you know before the end of the week

Alex: it's okay don't pressurise yourself

Elaine: thank you, so how was your day?

Alex: nothing much besides making tattoos

Elaine: (giggle) you sound so bored

Alex: I'm just tired of doing the same things and I lack inspiration

Elaine: how about you come to a shelter with me tomorrow?

Alex: I'd love to maybe I'll get inspiration

Elaine: yeah those kids are something out of this world

Alex: so what does this shelter deal with

Elaine: it deals with victims of rape, domestic abuse and neglected children

Alex: wow

Elaine: those kids are a beam of sunlight

Alex: you really love kids don't you?

Elaine: with all my heart, kids are so precious

Alex: yeah

Elaine: don't you?

Alex: nah I prefer animals

Elaine: oh

We go on to talk about random stuff, she leaves when my lunch comes to an end. After my shift Zara comes to fetch me.

Zara: how was your day?

Elaine: it was productive, yours?

Zara: it was good I designed a couple of things

Elaine: tomorrow I'm to going to a shelter wanna come with?

Zara: uhm...

Elaine: oh come on it will be fun

Zara: okay I'll come only if Claudia comes, because I don't wanna look stupid all alone

Elaine: you won't be alone

Zara: Sheesh have you seen yourself when you're doing something you're passionate about?

Elaine: (giggle) I can't be that bad

Zara: you think

Elaine: okay call Claudia

She calls Claudia and puts her on loud speaker.

Claudia: Zara

Zara: hey how are you?

Claudia: I'm good you?

Zara: I'm good, listen I'm with Elaine here

Claudia: hey girl

Elaine: hi

Zara: Uhm what are you doing tomorrow?

Claudia: nothing

Zara: Uhm Elaine wants us to accompany her to a shelter tomorrow

Claudia: okay I don't see a problem in that

Elaine: thank you guys

Claudia: so at what time should we come?

Elaine: Uhm at ten in the morning

Claudia: okay I'll be there

Elaine: thank you guys y'all are the best

Zara: bye girl

Claudia: bye


Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now