17: basically a couple

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Elaine's POV

Today Billie is coming over to help me prepare for my internship. So I woke up early to make sure the apartment is spotless. After tidying up I prepare breakfast for Zara and I. After sometime Zara wakes up.

Zara: morning

Elaine: morning,coffee or tea?

Zara: (yawn) what's the time?

Elaine: it's nine

Her eyes widen when I tell her what the time is and she starts panicking

Zara: gosh I'm so gonna be late for my meeting. Today I have a meeting with the board on the new design I came up with.

Elaine: Zara! Okay go freshen up I'll gather up your things for you.

Zara: okay thank you very much

Elaine: it's okay now go, uhm there's also something

I look down and fiddle withy fingers

Zara: is there something wrong?

Elaine: no not really, it's just that Billie is coming over to help me prepare for y'know

Zara: (grins) y'all are so cute and look how flustered you are

Elaine: (blush) I don't know what you're talking about

Zara: y'all are my fave celeb couple

Elaine: we're not even a couple

Zara: yet

Elaine: let me leave because I don't know what you're talking about

Zara: (laughs) gosh you're so cute

Yes that's Zara for you. Early in the morning but she's already in my case but I really don't mind it. She reminds me of Isabella, they're those annoying people you can't live without. I take my laptop and go on to do a thorough research about the hospital and it's a very prestigious hospital. It's where all the elites go, the hospital has the best doctors in the world. A while after I've started my research Zara leaves and tells me that she's gonna spend the night at Lucas'. I continue with my research when it was eleven I go freshen up and wear a tank top and shorts. I let my curls down which had grown thanks to the vegan shampoo Billie recommended. I keep busy researching after sometime there's a knock on the door and I immediately know who it is. I enthusiastically stand up and open for her with a smile on my face.

Elaine: hey come in

Billie: hey, I brought some cupcakes

Elaine: thanks

She gets in and we sit down a sofa

Billie: so what are we doing here?

I go on to explain the process to her and she makes a few phone calls enquiring about the hospital. Let's just say her resources were so helpful that we were done in three hours.

Elaine: do you want a sandwich?

Billie: yeah I'm starving

I go make the sandwiches in the kitchen and she follows me. She helps me prepare the sandwiches. After eating the sandwiches she helps me tidy up. Then she does something least expected, she stands behind me then turns me to face her.

Billie: you look good

Elaine: (flustered) t-thank you

She then lifts me up and places me on top of the kitchen counter and get in between my legs. She looks me in the eyes and start kissing me which I gladly reciprocate. After sometime she pulls away and gets me off the counter.

Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now