90: cat caught your tongue

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Elaine's POV

Since I had the week off I decided to go to the shelter to get my mind off things. I didn't wanna sit doing nothing because I'd end up thinking about the incident.

I was already in the shelter playing with the kids when my phone started ringing.

Elaine: Hi Alex

Alex: hey how are you?

Elaine: I'm good you?

Alex: I'm good, I just came from the hospital and the told me that you took the week off

Elaine: oh yeah something happened so I need some time off

Alex: are you alright?

Elaine: yeah I'm alright

Alex: oh I wanted to see you

Elaine: uhm I'm at the shelter right now, I don't know if you mind coming over here?

Alex: okay I'll be there

Elaine: okay I'll see you

After that she drops the call. That's weird I haven't been in touch with her for a while so getting her call out of the blue was surprising. I continue playing with the kids and then after about ten to twelve minutes, she was here.

Alex: hey

Elaine: hi

We share a short friendly hug

Alex: how are you?

Elaine: I'm good you?

Alex: I'm good too, I just wanted to check up on you

Elaine: you didn't have to I'm fine

Alex: no I wanted to

Elaine: thank you, so how have you been doing?

Alex: I've been doing good, I'm opening another shop around town tomorrow

Elaine: really?

Alex: yeah, I'd love for you to come to the opening if you don't mind?

Elaine: Uhm....is Billie invited?

Alex: yes I guess, if you want to come with her

Elaine: thank you

Alex: how have things been on your side?

Elaine: nothing has really happened you know but it hasn't been stagnant either

Alex: oh...so what were you doing?

Elaine: just playing with these adorable faces.

We then sit down on the grass and continue playing with children.  After sometime Billie and Isa come to the shelter and I immediately notice Billie's facial expression when she sees Alex. They come our direction and when she gets to us she surprisingly acts cool.

Billie: hi

Alex: yeah

Elaine: babe

I get up and hug her and she kiss me passionately. We all know that she kissed me like that to mark her territory, and I happen to be her territory. I then pull away and she holds me waist.

Elaine: I thought you went to y'know

Billie: we finished early

Elaine: oh okay. Alex this is my sister Isa and Isa this is my friend Alex.

Alex: hi nice to meet you

Isa: hi nice to meet you too

Alex: Uhm I'll go now

I try to walk up to Alex to hug her goodbye but Billie tightens her grip on my waist.

Elaine: bye

She winks at me then leaves.

Billie: what was she doing here?

Elaine: she came to see me

Billie: doesn't she have a girlfriend or something?

Elaine: I don't know, let me pack up my stuff then we'll leave

They help me pack up my stuff then we get in the car.

Isa: I don't like this Alex

Billie: me too and Elaine knows it

Elaine: wow guys really?

Billie: did you see the way she was looking at you?

Isa: she even winked at you

Elaine: how was she looking at me? because she looked at me like she looks everyone else

Billie: she was looking at you like meat

Elaine: oh so now I'm meat?

Billie: that's not what I said don't twist my words

Elaine: what are you saying then?

Isa: I also saw how she was looking at you

Elaine: why are you taking her side?

Isa: I'm not I'm just saying what I saw

Elaine: this conversation is over.

Billie: I'm still saying I don't like her plus she has a crush on you

Isa: she does?

Billie: yep

Isa: now that explains why she was looking at you like that.

Elaine: gosh that's in the past

Billie: how sure are you about that?

I keep quiet

Billie: cat caught your tongue now?

Elaine: I'm over this

Isa: why are you being so defensive?

Elaine: I'm not being defensive

Billie : baby you are

Elaine: I'm not going to argue with y'all about this

Isa: okay then but we all know it

Elaine: Isabelle will you just shut up!

I snap at her, Billie steals a glance at me.

Billie: but babe...

I cut her off

Elaine: huh uh don't

I was fuming at this point, I couldn't wait to get home and go sleep because I can't deal with these two right now


Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now