182: fourty five percent

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Elaine's POV

When Billie tried to have an anal with me I couldn't take the pain so I told her to stop which she did.

Billie: I'm sorry

I was mad at her because I told her not to but she did anyway. I get off bed and try to walk to the bathroom but my pussy was burning and my anus was sore. She picks me up and takes me to the bathroom and open the toilet for me and I painfully pee. After that I attempt to walk to the tub but I struggle so she runs me a bubble bath and puts me inside the tub. For a moment when I got in it was sore but I adjusted and relaxed with my eyes closed.

Billie: baby sorry

Elaine: (silence)

Billie: baby I'm sorry I got carried away I didn't mean to force myself on you

Elaine: babe you didn't force yourself on me, we just had a misunderstanding that's all

Billie: don't cover up for me

Elaine: babe you didn't force yourself on me okay? We just had a misunderstanding that's all, I always say no when I mean yes so that's what you thought was happening. I love you okay?

Billie is just too serious with life you know, we just had a little misunderstanding but she's already talking about forcing herself on me.

Billie: (nod)

Elaine: get in with me

She got in the tub and layed down and put me on top of her.

Billie: are you okay though?

Elaine: I'll be fine, all that matters is did you have fun?

Billie: yeah I loved every single moment of it

I pecked her lips then we kissed

Elaine: your lips are so lush I think I've told you this over a million times

Billie: yes you did, but have you tasted yours? They always taste like passion fruit

Elaine: (giggle) let's get out the water is getting cold

We got out only for me to discover thst Billie fucked me to my periods they were near anyway. The first day of my periods is always something I guess I have to wait for tomorrow to see. We got dressed then slept.

In the morning I was so sick as I predicted, I had abdominal cramps, I was puking and I looked pale. Billie had an interview today.

Elaine: why are you still here?

She brushes my hair from my face.

Billie: I can't go while you're so sick

Elaine: please go I'll be fine

Billie: baby I have to take care of you

Elaine: what about your fans?

Billie: what about you?

Elaine: I'll be fine

Billie: Elaine I...

Elaine: please do it for me then

Billie: (sigh) but I'll be back soon

Elaine: okay get me Chinese food

Billie: okay I'll call Zara

Elaine: don't I'll be fine,so are you really wearing that cardigan? (giggle)

Billie: yeah why not?

Elaine: baby take it off you look stupid

Billie: huh uh

Elaine: Billie take that cardigan off

Billie: where will I wear it then?

Elaine: here in the house

Billie: no I'm wearing it

Elaine: you want to be on the flop list?

Billie: I'd rather be

Elaine: babe take it off

Billie: I take it off I stay?

Elaine: gosh you're so stubborn

Billie: (chuckle)

Elaine: okay go

Billie: okay bye I love you

Elaine: bye I hate you

Billie: (smirk) we can fix that

I let out a loud laugh, she tries to kiss me goodbye but I stop her.

Elaine: we don't want you to get sick

Billie: okay bye

Elaine: bye I love you

Billie: I love you too

Then Billie left and I got off bed and freshened up to at least look alive and wore my sweat pants and her hoodie. I go downstairs and find Hannah feeding Aidan who jumps when he sees me.

Elaine: mommie's boy, it's okay I'll take it from here

Hannah: Skylar already ate

Elaine: okay where is she?

Skylar: in her room painting

Elaine: okay

Hannah: should I make you breakfast?

Elaine: no I'll order in I'm craving Chinese food, should I count you in?

Hannah: no ma'am I'll just have what I've prepared

Elaine: okay

After I feed Aidan I went to the living room to stream Billie's interview and ordered. I ate while watching and internet trolls were having a play day with Billie's look. It was rated the worst flop and the interviewer asked her about the cardigan and when she mentioned that it was made by Skylar and I, it was removed from the flops to the memorable looks. Then I got a call from Gucci asking for my permission to sell these in limited edition and I told them I'll think about it

. After sometimes Billie came back and I ask for her input in the Gucci offer and she said I should take it. I do and I'm told that I'll get 45% for every fifteen cardigans sold which they will be selling each for $4698.

Billie: are you feeling better?

Elaine: a little,

Billie: maybe I went too hard on you yesterday

Elaine: (giggle) stop overthinking and let's go sleep the kids are already asleep


Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now