54: over

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Elaine's POV

I wake up early in the morning and do the usual, to go for a jog. I jog for sometime and then I slow down and start walking when I was like four blocks to my apartment. I decide to do some stretches near where I almost fell yesterday until Alex saved me. As I was still thinking about that I felt a pat on my shoulder, I turn around and see Alex.

Alex: I thought I'd find you here

Elaine: oh hi

Alex: hi how are you today?

Elaine: (giggle) I'm much better today

Alex: it's good to hear that

Elaine: Uhm thank you for what you did yesterday

Alex: it's no problem at all

Elaine: let's grab a coffee that's if you don't mind, since you disappeared on me yesterday before I could thank you

Alex: sure

We go to the cafee and I order vegan cupcakes and a latte and Alex orders a black coffee and croissants.

Alex: you're vegan

Elaine: no I'm not I just love these cupcakes

Alex: you're even more beautiful in person

Elaine: huh?

Alex: aren't you Billie Eilish's girlfriend?

Elaine: so you helped me because I'm Billie's girlfriend?

Alex: no no not at all, I would've helped you either way

Elaine: mhm

It seems like Billie still haunts me, one way or another.

Alex: I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable

Elaine: it's okay I get that a lot

Alex: Billie is so lucky to have such a beautiful girlfriend

I wasn't about to tell her that we broke up, she could be an undercover journalist for all I know.

Elaine: you're a fan aren't you?

Alex: not really but my sister loves her

I check the time

Elaine: oops I should go now

Alex: will I see you again?

To be honest with you I was kinda perplexed by her question because I can clearly see that she's lesbian but I'm not sure if she means it that way.

Elaine: not if I see you first

I then up and leave. To be completely honest with you I'd be lying if I said Alex wasn't beautiful, she is a brunette with hazel eyes and she has a lot of tattoos and she was also carrying a skate board so I assume she skates too. She's beautiful but I'm not in a place to be looking for a relationship or anything like that at the moment when I literally just got out of a relationship.I video call Claudia since Zara was at her office and I didn't want to disturb her.

Elaine: hii

Claudia: look who called, how are you?

Elaine: I'm alright you?

Claudia: I'm alright just worried about you

Elaine: you don't need to be worried about me I'm a big girl I can handle myself.

Claudia: big girls also need friends

Elaine: maybe (smile,) but how has it been with your YouTube channel, I saw you gained more followers

Claudia: it's great and I just signed a deal with a brand that wants me to advertise their clothes.

Elaine: I'm so happy for you, when are you releasing another vlog?

Claudia: uhm, I was gonna ask you to be my guest but I'm not sure you'd want to participate

Elaine: why wouldn't I wanna be your guest? We're friends right?

Claudia: yeah so you wanna be my guest?

Elaine: of course but I'd really appreciate it if we did it here that way they'll be no chance I'll bump into Billie

Claudia: I don't see any problem in that, so really y'all are over?

Elaine: yeah we're over

She looks at me with the look I despise the pity look.

Elaine: don't be sad it's okay

Billie's POV

Fin and I just came back from the studio to record something. I decide to go to Fin's apartment because I don't want mom to smother me. We get in and I go straight to the fridge and grab a drink. Fin goes to Claudia and kiss her, I notice that she was on FaceTime with someone. Someone from the FaceTime was giggling and I know that giggle, it's the giggle that echo in my head everyday it was Elaine's giggle. I quickly greet Claudia and walk to the balcony. I stand there just admiring nature.

Fin: it's beautiful isn't it?

Billie: yeah it is

Fin: from how things are looking I assume that you and Elaine didn't fix things

Billie: she broke up with me

I take a sip of the soda I had in hand.

Fin: I'm sorry

Billie: it's okay I deserve it, I shouldn't have  hurt her like that

Fin: stop beating yourself about it, you'll fall back to being depressed

I just sigh and continue looking ahead of me, the city looked like a painting from up here with the sunset and all the mountains.


Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now