126: candy and toys

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Elaine's POV

In the middle of the night I woke up because of discomfort. I then remembered that I fell asleep while talking to Billie. I wanted to text her but I decided against it because I was very tired. I took Skylar and we went to bed.

I don't know how but it was already morning. I woke up and went to freshen up and got dressed for work. When I was done I went to make breakfast then Skylar came downstairs carrying a stuffed toy.

Elaine: hello mommie's princess

She came to me and clung to my leg so I picked her up.

Elaine: did you sleep well.

Skylar: (nods)

Elaine: give mommie a morning kiss

She pecks my lips and then layed her head on my shoulder. She was feeling really down today and the sad part is Billie isn't here to cheer her up and I also can't skip work because I'm performing a surgery. I feed her breakfast then bath her. Hannah was preparing for her lessons.

Elaine: Hannah

Hannah: yes ma'am

Elaine: Skylar is coming with me today you don't have to prepare her anything

Hannah: yes ma'am

I saw Skylar's eyes light up when she heard that she's going to work with me.

Elaine: you want to come to work with me?

Skylar: (nods)

Elaine: you won't trouble mommie right?

Skylar: mmhmm

Elaine: good girl, let's go

We walk out

Elaine: aren't you taking Mr Hotpants with you?

Skylar: (shakes head)

Elaine: (sigh) okay let's go

We get in the car and I put her in the baby seat then I drive. I was getting really worried, Skylar is not a talkative person but now she's too quiet. When I get to work she was asleep so I carry her in.

Stacey: morning doc

Elaine: morning Stacey how are you?

Stacey: I'm good you?

Elaine: I'm good just a little bit tired

Stacey: is that Skylar? She has grown up

Skylar woke up at the mention of her name and looked at me. I gave her her pacifier.

Stacey: can I carry her?

Elaine: sure

Stacey tries to take her but she just clings on to me.

Elaine: I'm sorry she's a little under the weather

Stacey: no it's fine, by the way your first patient will be here in the next hour

Elaine: okay thank you

I walked into my office and put Skylar on a chair and prepare for the day ahead.

Elaine: Skylar talk to mommie what's wrong?

Skylar: (pouts with teary eyes) I want mom

Elaine: don't you love mommie anymore?

Skylar: (shakes)

Elaine: you don't?

Skylar: I do

Elaine: baby stop crying you're making my heart break, we'll call mom okay?

Skylar: okay

Elaine: come here

She gets off the chair and comes to me.

Elaine: mommie loves you okay?

Skylar: I love mommie too

Elaine: give me a hug

I kneel down and she hugs me

Elaine: okay let me see if she's not busy

She smiles

Elaine: promise mommie that you'll be back to your old self after talking to her

Skylar: pinky promise

I sit her on my lap and text Billie.



I'm sorry for falling
asleep during our call
yesterday. I was super

It's okay babe I know
how Skylar can be a handful.😊
Anyway how is she?

She's under the
weather ☹️ are you
busy? I want to FT you
maybe if she spoke to you she'll
be better

No I'm not, gimme a
sec. I'll FT you just now

Okay thank you

Elaine: she said she'll call okay?

She smiles and hugs me. After a minute or two she calls. I answer the phone and give it to Skylar.

Skylar: mom

Billie: (chuckle) how are you baby?

Skylar: want be with you

Billie: I'll come back okay?

Skylar: now?

Billie: no but what do you want me to get you when you come back?

Skylar: candy and toys

Skylar was back to herself, you'd swear I was lying if I told you she wasn't okay.

Elaine: what are you doing now?

Billie: today I'm not doing anything I'm resting all the work begins tomorrow

Elaine: uhm I want to go do a procedure that'll take about an hour and a half can you stay with her for that long?

Billie: sure mamas

Elaine: okay I'll also ask Stacey to come and stay with her

Billie: okay mamas

Elaine: thank you

Billie: (chuckle)

Elaine: okay I love you bye

Billie: I love you too mamas bye

I walk out and ask Stacey to stay with her, and she agrees. Stacey is my assistant so yeah. I did a very short procedure today, then I wemt home.


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