127: talk to me

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Elaine's POV

Billie has been gone for over three months now but she always makes sure that she calls everyday. I missed her so much but there wasn't much I could do, I was just happy that Skylar was back to her old self. Today Skylar was going to the zoo with her dance class and I was going to a conference.

Elaine: Skylar hurry up we're gonna be late

She came running to me carrying her backpack. I check her backpack to see if everything is there.

Elaine: okay let's go

Skylar: I wanna sit in front

Elaine: no baby you have to sit in your baby seat

Skylar: but I'm not a baby

Elaine: Skylar come on we have to go

Skylar: huh uh

Elaine: okay fine get in.

She gets in and I put the seatbelt on her and then I drive. I only agreed for her to sit here because her dance studio is only a few minutes away. When I get there I drop her off  inside.

Skylar: bye mommie I love you

Elaine: bye sweetie I love you too

She got inside then I left. I drove to the conference hall it was a little out of town. Today there was a doctor's conference so I wasn't going to the hospital.

When I get there I prepare my things then the conference starts. The conference started at eleven and now it was one but we were far from done. We took a quick break then went back inside. While I was focused like that my phone started buzzing, I had put it on silent. I excuse myself and quietly go outside.

Elaine: hello?

Person: hi it's Katherine Skylar's dance instructor

Elaine: hey Katherine

Kat: ma'am we have a problem here

Elaine: what? What happened?

Kat: it's Skylar

Elaine: what about her?

Kat: she got hit by a car?

When she said that my heart sank and I felt my hair drying out.

Elaine: what? where is she now?

Kat: we're taking her to the hospital

Elaine: oh okay...I'll be there in an hour.

I got back in the conference hall and packed my things and left. I got in the car dialled Billie but it didn't go through

Elaine: shit she must be on stage

I drive like a maniac. My goodness there was traffic and then it started raining. I was now crying, the eyeliner was smeared all over my face as I vigorously wiped the tears away so I could see. I try Billie again but no difference. I continue driving and after what felt like eternity I arrived. When I arrived I quickly got inside and found Stacey.

Elaine: where's my baby?

Stacey: she's in the ER

Elaine: how bad is it?

Stacey: Uhm...

Elaine: Stacey tell me!

Stacey: it's bad it's really bad she lost a lot of blood

I sobbed, she tried to comfort me but I pushed her away.

Elaine: where is she I want to see her

Stacey: You can't see her...

Elaine: I'm not asking that's my baby okay!

Stacey: yes ma'am

Elaine: so where is she?

Stacey: room 104

I quickly headed to room 104, while I was on my way my phone rang and it was Billie, I quickly pick it up.

Billie: mamas

I try to talk but I just break down and start sobbing.

Billie: baby what's wrong?

Elaine: (sob)

Billie: baby talk to me

Elaine: it's Skylar

Billie: what happened to my baby?

Elaine: (sob)

Billie: Elaine talk to me!

Elaine: she...she got hit by a car

Billie: what?

Elaine: she lost a lot of blood, please come back

Billie: okay okay don't cry I'm coming

Billie's POV

When I saw Elaine's missed calls I was excited to talk to them little did I know that my excitement would be washed away by sorrows. After I dropped the call tears fell down my eyes so I called Zara.

Zara: baby daddy

Yes you know Zara has no filter so she calls me that.

Billie: (sniffle)

Zara: why are you crying?

Billie: can you please go to the hospital and keep Elaine company for me, Skylar got hit by a car

Zara: wait! what? when did this happen?

Billie: Zara just go

After that I dropped the call and went to Andrew.

Billie: where's the jet?

Andrew: why do you want the jet?

Billie: where's the fucken jet?

Andrew: Billie you can't just leave you're in the middle of tour

Billie: (cry) my daughter is lying in a fucken hospital bed so tour is the least of my worries now okay?

Andrew: what happened?

Billie: Andrew I don't have time

Andrew quickly organised a jet for me. On my way to the airport I call mom and dad to let her know what happened. Fin and Claudia were with me in the car keeping quiet. We got in the jet and flew away


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