121: rose gold

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Elaine's POV

It's just a normal day in our house, Billie and I were watching Life In A Year and she was giving me a foot massage. While Skylar was trying to convince me to make her a birthday party.

Skylar: mommie please

Elaine: why do you want to have a party?

She just gives me her hazel puppy eyes.

Elaine: huh uh it ain't gonna work

Billie: but baby...

Elaine: Billie no, Skylar can't always gets what she wants

Billie: Elaine come on

Elaine: you're aware that her birthday is in two days right?

Billie: I can pull some strings

Elaine: no Billie Skylar is not having a party and that's final

Skylar looks at Billie and Billie just shrugs at her. Then Skylar gets on top of Billie and sleep in her. We sit there in silence then after a few minutes someone rings the bell.

Elaine: expecting someone?

Billie: no

I put on my sleepers and go open the door. It was my mom.

Elaine: mom

We hug

Sandra: hey sweetie how are you?

Elaine: I'm good get in

We walk in and when Skylar sees her she sprints to her.

Skylar: ouma

Sandra: my baby how are you?

Skylar just shrugs , Billie walks up to her and they hug.

Sandra: how are you?

Billie: I'm good you?

Sandra: I'm good

She sits down on the sofa.

Elaine: why didn't you tell me you were coming?

Sandra: then it wouldn't be a surprise

Elaine: where's Isa?

Sandra: she's at university

Elaine: they haven't closed yet.

Sandra: no

Elaine: I missed you, should I dish up for you?

Sandra: no I ate something from the airport I wouldn't have made it here I was too hungry

Elaine: okay I'm happy to see you

Sandra: I'm happy to see that y'all well

Skylar was in her lap and she was just sucking her thumb.

Sandra: why do you look sad?

Skylar: mommie don't want to make me party

Sandra: Elaine why not?

Elaine: mom her birthday is in two days there's no way we're gonna cover up

Sandra: there's no way or you don't want to?

Elaine: mom Skylar has to know that she can't just make demands

Billie: that's unfair

Elaine: so is life, you should stop spoiling Skylar

Billie: baby she's just a kid

Elaine: Billie we talked about this

My mom talks to Skylar but I could tell it was directed to me.

Sandra: if mommie is not going to make you a party then ouma will okay?

Skylar: (eyes light up) yay

Billie: I'll help you

Sandra: thank you Billie

Elaine: but mom I said no

Sandra: Elaine come on

I get off the sofa and go upstairs to my room. When I get there I put in headphones and lie in bed.

Billie's POV

After Elaine stormed out her mom and I looked at each other shocked.

Billie: please make yourself comfortable I'll go check on her. Skylar come I'll tell Hannah to bathe you

Sandra: it's okay I'll do it

Billie: no you don't have to

Sandra: no it's fine I want to bond with my granddaughter

Billie: okay thank you

I then go to our room and find her lying in bed with her headsets on. I sit on the bed and spank her, she looks at me and looks away. I take her headsets off and lie next to her and kiss her cheek.

Elaine: what do you want?

Billie: why are you so mad?

Elaine: because I'm never taken seriously, am I a joke to you?

She was now crying, I keep quiet and look at her then it comes to my mind what it is.

Billie: are you on your periods?

She sits up and nods, now it all made sense. Her first days are always emotional. I pull her in for a hug and kiss her head.

Billie: I love you

Elaine: I love you too

I kiss her forehead then she pushes me away

Elaine: I want to sleep now

Billie: okay let me make a few calls then I'll come sleep

Elaine: you planning Skylar's birthday party?

Billie: yeah

Elaine: can I help you choose

Billie: (chuckle) c'mere

I call someone and they agree to do this in such short notice, perks of being a celebrity I guess.

Billie: I'm not sure about velvet cake

Elaine: that's her favourite

Billie: okay we'll get it then

Elaine: okay tick off the cake

Billie: what colours?

Elaine: rose gold

Billie: not gold?

Elaine: no rose gold is a bit more feminine and your daughter is girly babe

Billie: okay rose gold it is


Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now