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This week had been more chaotic than the rest. We've had to eliminate countless vampires targeting Mila and I had to deal with my family's reaction.

My family was angry. They already had major concerns about Mila, but this news only exasperated their concerns. I had to wrangle Hailey into the conversation against my mother and brother. Tae and Lexi stayed on the sidelines. They weren't getting into this.

"A wolf!" My brother roared. "It'd be one thing for her to be human, but a wolf?! The enemy! Seriously?!" He was furious.

"And a royal wolf?! She's related to the Riccis!" My mother yelled.

"Not just related! She's the daughter of former Alpha Enzo! She's the heir or the rightful Queen! Do you have any idea how serious this is?!" Alec was violently swinging his arms.

"What do you want me to do?! I refuse to reject her!" I retorted. Hailey grabbed my hand in support.

"You two need to calm down!" She fired at my family. "You should be embracing her mate, not castigating her. Lara had been nothing but accepting of Sophie, Alec. It's time to offer her the same respect." Alec lowered his head in shame. "And you are her mother, Lena. You should be happy she found her other half. This is the happiest she's ever been and her heart has started beating again. Is that not something to celebrate?" My mother sighed and nodded at Hailey's words.

"Sorry to interrupt." We turned to Lexi. "But, what about the vampires targeting her?" Taemin looked at us as well, awaiting an answer.

"Now, we have an increase in vampires trailing us." Alec groaned.

Now, for the vampires. They've grown suspicions over me constantly being around her and wanted to use her to their advantage. I'm getting antsy by not knowing how many are targeting my mate!

It's gotten so bad that we've had to give a tip to Mila's friends. Of course they don't know it's from us. I'm glad that they took the message seriously and are going out of their way to guard her even more. I've witnessed Jade and Zayn rip apart vampires that were tailing Mila. Mila has no idea what's going on and I want to keep it that way. She doesn't need any more stress than what Jelena and Spencer are causing her.

Speaking of which... I went to the department to take her to lunch, but I heard a commotion. Hmm... hopefully these brownies will calm everyone down. What I've learned about women is that when they're angry... just give them food. Food is always the answer. And when they say they aren't hungry, still give them food.

The receptionist swooned at me and allowed me to pass her. My vampiric charm truly works wonders in a building full of people who despise me and my family. I turned the corner, but it seemed that Mila also had that same thought.

I used one hand to secure the brownies while using the other one to steady her. I smiled and held out the sweets to her. She smiled even wider and took the tray from my hands. I followed her towards her team. Once she placed the snacks on the desk, Jelena immediately started grabbing the deserts.

"Life saver." I heard Taylor whisper to Mila.

I furrowed my brows at Kendall comforting Harry. What did I miss? Mila took my hand and led me away. I smiled at the physical affection, but dropped my smile when she released my hand. I was a little saddened that she didn't want her peers to know about us. Then again, what were we?

I allowed her to take me to her restaurant of choice. She ordered a salad and I ordered a sex on the beach. I was trying to hint the idea to her. She rolled her eyes while I smirked.

"How are you today, gorgeous?" I finally greeted her.

"Work was a little chaotic this morning. Spencer was taunting Jelena about having compounding evidence against your company. One look from Zayn told me she was bluffing. Unfortunately, Jelena doesn't know that and took her anger out on Harry." She began ranting about her day.

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