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Taemin and I were walking down the halls. I was telling him to check into some wolf attacks in Lyon. I used to disregard the wolf attacks, but they're becoming more frequent. Taemin had reservations leaving me since the wolves were becoming more brazen. I compromised by telling him to overlook the mission, but lead from the chateau grounds.

Taemin was about to say something else, but we heard the sound of furniture breaking. He moved to investigate the noise, but I held him back. It didn't take a rocket scientist to realize the noise was coming from the room the wolf girl was in. Taemin raised a brow, but I assured him I'd be fine.

As I got closer, I heard her yelling. I walked inside to see Lexi in a headlock. Well, that's unexpected. Lexi's my best female fighter. She got overpowered by the wolf... interesting. I wonder who she is to possess such strength.

"Stop! I swear I'll kill you!" The girl shouted.

"No you won't." I smirked from the door.

"Are you willing to bet your friend's life?" She warned me, but I knew she was bluffing. I could hear her heartbeat, so I wasn't concerned.

I was annoyed that she wasn't succumbing to my rules. She continued to defy me and that infuriated me. I picked up another scent in her room, so I approached the human maid. She was fearful as I held my hand out to her. The maid was right to be fearful since I wrapped my hand around her neck. I made sure the wolf girl was watching as I cracked the human's neck.

"Unlike you... I'm not bluffing." I walked closer to the wolf girl. "Let her go." I softly commanded. "Now." I sat on the bed.

She tried making a point by snapping Lexi's neck. I glared at her disrespect and disregard towards authority. Actually, I'll call her bluff. I gestured for her to yank Lexi's heart out. She hesitated, causing me to smirk. I controlled my breathing and reaction when she punched through Lexi's chest. I knew her hand was wrapped around Lexi's heart.

I wanted to test her so I smirked and acted nonchalant. I wasn't easily rattled. Based on her heartbeat, I knew she wouldn't kill Lexi. I was confused why she'd show restraint to Lexi when she had no problem killing my guards. She was well acquainted with killing, yet showed restraint towards certain individuals. Does she know Lexi? Is that why she's showing mercy?

"Let me go." She demanded.

"Why would I? It's not like you would really kill her. Hailey..." I needed to leave before she realized how nervous I was that she'd kill Lexi. "Bring the dead girl to my chambers. I'll dine on her blood later." Hailey nodded and reluctantly left the room. "Just you and me now. No audience." I walked to the other side of the room so she'd have a semblance of power. "What do you think killing her will do? It will not free you." I stared out the window.

"Make her not mess with me anymore." I chuckled at her reasoning. "And it'll prove your humanity." I turned with a raised brow. "You don't want your friend to die." I mockingly laughed at her.

"You think I'm not above sacrifice? Love, you have a lot to learn then." I was a little annoyed by her. I then heard Taemin call for me. "I have a matter I must be attending to." I stopped when I reached the door. "Umm... someone will be here to clean this up." I motioned at the blood before leaving the room.

I entered my room to see the dead girl on my bed. Hailey was standing by the wall, so I told her to clean up the mess in the wolf girl's room. I then wanted her to dress the girl in a sexy maid outfit. Hailey nodded and left to complete the task. I smiled and jumped on the bed. I then bit down into the corpse's neck and drained her dry.

I felt insatiable since I truly desired to bury my teeth in that wolf's neck. I ordered the guards to bring me some girls to drink. Once the girls were in my room, I started fucking them (with their permission of course). The only thing I didn't ask for consent was to drain them.

I could sense the girl on the other side of the room. I became angry when I heard a guard growl at her. I then commanded them to leave and for the girl to enter. I smirked at her appalled face. I pushed the dead girl off me and stood up.

I made sure to sensually walk to my chair. I felt her eyes on me as I covered up myself with a see through robe. I smirked as I caught her ogling my body.

"Come here, doggy." I held a hand out, but she was frozen like a statue. "Now, before you're punished." I said a little sharper. "Now kneel."

I chuckled at her annoyed face. I allowed my fingers to trace the outline of her gorgeous face. My fingers had a mind of their own and started running through her hair. Her hair was really soft. I wonder what products she used since there weren't many in the little resistance camps the wolves occupied.

"Your majesty." I snarled when Hailey entered the room. "There's been an incident in the town." Fuck, it must be another wolf attack. I nodded and motioned for Hailey to leave.

"Looks like I have to leave you, my pet." I smirked. "I'll be sure to play with you later." I reluctantly removed my hand. "In the meantime, clean the room." I then sped to my closet to properly dress. I puckered my lips in a mocking manner before finding Taemin.

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