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It was hard to be around her at work. We had a job to do, so I had to suck up my feelings. I faked that I was completely unfazed by her, but that was the farthest thing from the truth. I was crushed.

I was so desperate to be around her that I came in to work everyday. My family, friends, and staff were surprised. I knew my team wasn't exactly thrilled since they've never had to work with me being around them. It was foreign to all of us.

My family felt mixed about the turn of events. On one hand, they were happy that I was actually working. On the other hand, they knew my changed nature was due to Nicole. Hailey was confused about my obsession to have Nicole give me the time of day. She pointed out that I was against the whole mate thing at the beginning. Lexi shushed her and explained that one does not fight the almighty mate bond. We rolled our eyes at the tiny girl.

I actually was originally planning to show Nicole the weapons, but I received word of a reactor malfunction. Alec and I had to leave to fix the hazardous problem. Alec and I were easily able to fix the situation. I decided to implement a change to avoid a future mechanical error.

I asked the engineers what they thought of the process. Most of them were on board, but-

"Uh, should I leave since your talking about confidential information?" I turned to Nicole.

"Are you going to publicize what we discuss in here?" I teased.


"Then, you can stay." I gave her a genuine smile.

"That's not a very CTO thing to say. Shouldn't you be a bit more worried since I haven't signed an NDA or anything?" I chuckled and rolled my eyes before turning back to the scientists. After I finished speaking to the engineers, we walked out the room.

"Not a very CTO thing to say." I looked at the ceiling as we walked. "Not a very CTO thing to sa-"

"Oh, my God. I'm sorry." I chuckled at her apology. "So dramatic." She mumbled, but I heard it.

"Dramatic enough so that I get my desired outcome." I smirked.

"We need to go to our meeting. Mother is expecting us now." Alec interrupted our banter.

"Your mother?"

"You really didn't google us?" I teased.

"Not like I didn't try. You guys are like wiped of the inter-" And she opps! I laughed at her slipup.

"Go on. You were saying how you googled us." I motioned for her to continue.

"The point is no. I didn't see anything about your mother. I am curious how they're able to sustain a healthy marriage while spearheading a billion dollar company together." She stated.

"Trillion dollar company." I smugly corrected. "And who are you talking about?"

"Mr. and Mrs. SangPure." I loudly laughed at her incorrectness. I think there were legit tears in my eyes.

"Marriage." I continued to laugh. "Oh my God! You thought they were married? This entire time?" I bent over to clutch my stomach.

"What's so funny?" She was getting annoyed.

"Mrs. SangPure is my mother and Mr. SangPure is my brother." I revealed.

"Ooooh, that'd explain your beautiful emerald eyes." I smiled when she stiffened. "Just that you and your mom have the same eyes, anyways..." I found her flustered state to be adorable.

"Their names are Alena and Alexander or better known as Lena and Alec." I giggled. "They are too into formalities for my liking."

"Ya, Lexi said the same thing." I quirked a brow. "Not like that!" She rushed out. "She didn't-"

"Relax. I'm not ratting out my assistant, especially when she's used to being informal with them." I stated.

"So you're all related except for Hailey or is she like your aunt?"

"Nah, Hailey isn't blood related, but she's still family." I smiled at the thought of Hailey. She really is the solid foundation in my life. I'd be so lost without her. "She's been with us since we were babies." And she's always looked out for me and my brother.

"But she's so young. I mean even your mom looks young. How old are you guys?" She was confused.

"Look 22, but feel a few centuries old." I subtly revealed myself.

"So you're 22." She deadpanned. I guess she's happy to get some more information about me.

"Sure, let's go with that." I impishly smiled. "And how old are you?" It was my turn to get some information about her.

"Too old for you." Huh, she's totally got me hooked. "Anyways, don't you have a meeting you should be attending?" I wanted to groan at having to leave this goddess.

"Wouldn't be the first one I skipped." I decided to try something with her. I walked her into a wall. "You intrigue me." I trapped her between my arms. "Why do I have a feeling you haven't been entirely honest with me from your arrival?"

It pained me knowing the amount of secrets she was keeping from me. What is your intention? Are you trying to play with my heart for your own agenda? I tried to search her eyes for and clue to her true motivation. Please, don't hurt me.

I felt my heart fall when I heard the rapid beating of her heart. She was nervous and slightly scared. I knew she wasn't being honest with me, but I wasn't either. The haunting beat of her heart brought me back to reality. I smirked at knowing she could never truly lie to me when I could hear her heartbeat.

"Because you have trust issues." She breathed out.

"Must be my paranoia." I released her and retreated backwards. "I'll see you soon. I'm awfully late to the meeting. Goodbye." I turned my back to her and went to the elevators.

I went to the confrence room and saw all eyes on me. Alec looked pissed. I'm guessing he told them I was with Nicole. My mother gave me reassuring eyes before motioning for me to take a seat. I sat next to Hailey who gave my hand a squeeze. Taemin then began speaking about the vampire he tortured.

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