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Zena and Naomi were busy doing something wholesome, so Mila and I went to our next appointment. We sat down and talked to Beth.

"How are you both?" Beth smiled at us.

"Could be better." Mila and I muttered.

"Would you say there was progress made?" She wrote in her notebook.

"No." Mila answered while I looked at her in annoyance.

"Has your daughter been able to pick up on-"

"No." We answered. "We made sure to act the part in front of her. She has no idea." I answered.

"Would you say this deception is affecting the both of you?"

"Hard to say when her entire career was built on deception." I slyly commented, resulting in Mila rolling her eyes. "By the way, thanks for forcing me to watch her whore herself around the club." Mila smirked at my word choice. "It was so much fun." I said through gritted teeth.

"I enjoyed myself." Mila chuckled.

"So it seems you enjoy getting a negative reaction out of Lara?" Beth questioned Mila. "Why is that?"

"Because I-" Mila faltered. "I don't know."

"I think you do know, but don't want to say it. This is a safe space where you can freely speak to your wife and tell her how you really feel." Beth gently smiled at her.

"It just makes me feel that she's actually attracted to me." I sat back in shock and utter confusion. "I mean she's drop dead stunning, so..." Mila cleared her throat. "I don't know." She averted her eyes from me.

"You're insecure?" I arched a brow. "Have you never looked in a mirror?" I scratched my head. "You're beautiful."

"I'm beautiful and you're fucking hot. Big difference." She sighed.

"Is there anything else that you wish to hear from her?"

"Yes." Mila perked up. "Tell me your body count." She turned to face me.


"How many people have you slept with?"

"Why is that important? That's in the past, Amelia." I narrowed my eyes.

"Why do you wish to know this, Amelia?" Beth inquired.

"It'd help me sleep at night." Mila stared at me while answering Beth. "I'll tell you mine. I've only slept with 5 people. How many have you slept with?" Mila then thought of something and smirked. "Most have been men." I growled at her words. She truly knew how to rile me up.

"Lara, you reacted negatively to hearing that she's slept with men-" I cut Beth off by scoffing. "Why is that?"

"Because she doesn't have a dick and they do." Mila smirked at my humiliated face. "She gets insecure over that."

"I can answer for myself and... I can't give her what a man can." I kept my answer short and simple. "It's something that I feel that I lack and can't give her what she wants and deserves." Mila's eyes softened at my words.


"It's fine." I looked away from her. "And I don't know."

"What?" Mila asked.

"I don't know how many people I've slept with. The numbers is far too high for me to keep track of." I then paused. "It's more than I've killed and I've killed a lot." I sighed out.

"What about your age?" I quirked a brow at Mila. "You've never told me your age and we've been married for years."

"Why is that-"

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