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I felt a sinking feeling course through my body at the foreboding building. Alec squeezed my hand in comfort. I squeezed his back, knowing that he also needed support. Between the two of us, he hadn't been back here the longest. My father sort of doesn't recognize my brother as his son anymore.

To my father, Alec is weak. Alec's compassion for people is viewed as a sign of a fragile ruler. That was why he renounced Alec as the heir and gifted me the title instead. Even though Alec is older than me, he believed that Alec wasn't strong enough to rule.

The closest Alec would come to the castle would be to see Sophie. He tried begging for Sophie to move with him, but she couldn't leave her family. She didn't trust leaving them alone when they lived so close to the King. The two compensated by flying every other week to see each other.

Hailey sighed when she stopped the car. We waited for the guards to open the doors. I took in a deep breath before exiting the car. Because I was the heir, I had to walk ahead of everyone. I was in the front, Alec and my mother behind me, and then Hailey and Lexi picking up the rear.

Our first course of action was to meet with the council. Yes, we informed them of our arrival. To them, we were coming because of the tidal shift in the war. Werewolves had defeated the vampire army in Switzerland. My father was obviously in Germany while he tried to formulate a plan to capture Switzerland.

We walked towards the throne room. In the absence of my father, I was to occupy the throne. A servant bowed as he held our crowns on a pillow. Another servant bowed before placing the crown on my head. Alec and my mother also bowed so that the crowns could be placed on their heads.

The doors then opened. We walked past the bowed leaders. I sat on the throne while Alec and my mother stood beside me. I felt uncomfortable sitting in my father's throne. I felt the coldness and darkness radiating off the chair. I took a deep breath before speaking.

"Vous parlent." (Speak)

The leaders began speaking over each other. I tuned them out and motioned for Alec to pay attention. I was busy listening to Mila's heartbeat. I wanted to make sure she was safe and I wasn't going to allow a trivial meeting to distract me.


It was early in the morning by the time the meeting finished. Well, I ended it. I couldn't stop thinking about the sleeping beauty upstairs. I told the leaders that we'd reschedule the meeting in a couple of days. They weren't happy, but didn't dare defy me.

I felt incredibly anxious about something happening to Mila. I needed to clear my head before I saw her. I sped to the art room and started painting various pictures. It helped me to calm down and center myself. When I finished, I stood back and assessed the paintings. I was shocked to find that all my pictures were of Mila.

I didn't waste a second darting to Mila's room. I quietly opened the door to see her asleep. I smiled at her quiet breaths. Lexi sensed me and gave me a smile. I smiled back as she removed her arms from around Mila.

She gave me a hug before taking the crown from my head. She then skipped out the room. I traded spots with Lexi and wrapped my arms around Mila. I quietly held her until she woke up. I felt her move her body against my front. I smirked and tightened my hold on her.

"Good morning." I kissed the back of her neck.

"Good morning." She smiled and turned to face me.

"How would you feel about me showing you around where I grew up?" I figured she'd be curious to explore the castle grounds. It was also safe since the leaders were sent away.

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