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We arrived in France a couple of hours ago. Tae and I were planning on delaying our arrival, but it seemed my father expected that. He arranged for a driver to meet us. The vampire was clearly struggling to control himself around so many delicious humans. He let out an audible breath of relief once he spotted Tae and I.

"Bonjour, votre Majesté." He bowed to me.

I didn't respond to him. He quickly got the hint and stood up straight before leading us to the awaiting car. He opened the back seat, prompting Tae and I to enter. He closed the door and went to the passenger seat. Once he closed the door, the driver accelerated.

The entire ride was silent. The guards knew better than to speak while Tae and I didn't want them listening in on our conversation. Tae and I resorted to texting each other. I told him that Alec wanted us to stop by Sophie's place to entertain her. Tae bit back a chuckle. Tae and I began brainstorming what desert to gift Sophie. That girl had such a sweet tooth.

The drive from Lyon to Chamonix took a little over 2 hours. I let out an involuntary sigh when the manor came into view. It was disheartening knowing that I'd be facing my father soon. Tae gave me a strong, reassuring look. I really appreciated having him with me.

The car stopped at the entrance. The guards exited the car and opened the doors for us. The guard offered his hand for assistance, but I ignored him. Taemin followed me inside the ostentatious castle. He couldn't walk next to or in front of me since he was of a "lower status" than me. I internally rolled my eyes as I walked to the throne room.

A servant greeted me before the guards. I lowered my head so that she could place the gaudy crown on my head. She then scurried away when I lifted my head. The guards bowed and opened the massive double doors for me. Seated on the throne was my pompous father. I wanted to scowl in hatred at him, but I kept my facade. I walked towards him and kneeled at his feet.

"Qu'est-ce qui t'a pris autant de temps?" (What took you so long) Of course he spoke in French. He believes English is a peasant's language.

"Excuses, père. Nous étions en retard à l'embarquement parce que nous planifions comment tuer ces loups." (Apologies, father. We were late to board because we were planning on how to kill those wolves) I mustered up as much hatred as I could when speaking about the wolves. My father seemed convinced enough with my reply.

"Je t'ai envoyé parce que je te demande de créer quelque chose pour moi." (I sent for you because I require you to make something for me) I glanced up at my father. "Fais de moi une bombe wolfsbane." (Make me a Wolfsbane bomb) He demanded. I couldn't do anything but nod.

"Bien sûr, votre altesse." (Of course, your highness) I lowered my head in submission.

My father dismissed me with a wave. I stood up and walked out the room. Tae bowed to my father as well before following behind me. We walked towards my private study. He closed the door behind me, so that no one would hear the stream of curse words exiting my mouth. Tae also sped around the room to catch the variety of objects I was pelting in anger. I stopped and walked to the small bar to pour myself a drink.

Tae calmly placed the antique statue back on my mahogany desk. I slumped into my chair and sipped the glass. Tae walked around the room until he found a piece of paper and pencil. He placed the items before me and took the glass out my hands. I sighed before sitting up and began sketching a design. He wants a Wolfsbane bomb... I guess I could make the design similar to a glitter bomb.


It took me a couple of days to complete the project. I kept downsizing the bomb until it was about the size of an orange. I wanted something small, but still powerful. It was a stab in the heart, knowing that I was harming the people I favored to win. But, I couldn't not make the product for my father. If I stalled too much or didn't produce, he'd know something was up and everything would've been for naught.

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