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I was taken to the study room. They had laid Mia along my desk. Taemin was checking on her. My mum quickly used a silver blade to slice my skin. She then positioned my hand over Mia's mouth. I watched as the ruby red liquid flowed down her throat. I hoped she would wake up soon. I can't deal with another week of her being unconscious.

I sensed Alec's fury. I turned to see him fuming in anger. He began shouting about how I lost any and all support in the span of 2 minutes. I loudly began shouting back at him. I shoved him back, resulting in our mum stepping between us.

She gave Alec a pointed look and told me to calm down. Alec began stating how my lack of control just cost the vampires the war. He knew the wolves were closing in through the mountains and now that the leaders knew I was mated to a wolf... they'd freely allow for the wolves to overtake the castle.

After our family was murdered, the leaders would then engage in a war. It would then be a bloodbath to see who would claim the crown. Alec was blaming me for the events that would conspire because of my actions.

"What you did back there was crazy! You could've jeopardized everything!" Alec shouted at me.

"And what?! Watch her die before my eyes?! I already destroyed her before and wasn't willing to do it again!" I slammed him into the wall.

"Death would've been the greatest gift you bestowed upon her after she had to endure suffering at your hand." He coldly spoke.

His words cut me deep since I remembered her begging for me to kill her. The desperation in her voice resounded through my ears. It was because I was selfish that I refused to allow her the peaceful embrace of death. I released him and walked backwards. He then singled and ran a hand through his hair. He was my big brother, so he often saw himself as my protector and comforter. He opened his arms wide, so I went and hugged him.

"Your blood worked like a charm." We all looked to see my mum putting a hand to Mia's forehead. "We were concerned her blood wouldn't have any effects since the bond was severed, but it still worked." My mum stood up. "It could be attributed to the royal blood, though." She walked to the door. "I'll take care of the raucous. You two..." She pointed at Alec and me. "Take care of this." She then closed the door and left.


"Nope!" Mia cut me off. "I don't need your sympathy." She jumped off the bed. "Hailey, please take me back to the dungeons. That is where the slaves reside." My heart fell since she would rather be there than with me.


"Now, Hailey." I sighed at her persistence.


"Just let her go." Alec spoke up, causing me to sigh and nod.

I slumped into my chair when she left with Hailey. Alec placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. I placed my head in my hands and loudly groaned. What was I supposed to do?! I had no idea and-

"Your father is about to murder your mate." My mum burst through the doors.

I didn't waste time in speeding to where Mia was. I immediately glared at everyone in the room.

"Leave." I coldly spoke.

"At once, Queen Allura." They attempted to shuffle out the room, but my father stopped them.

"Why is this mutt still around?! She should've been sucked dry at this point! You're wasting her blood for no reason! If you won't have her, then I will!" He walked forward, so I flung him into the wall.

Piercing My HeartOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz