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Just like I feared, Taemin informed me of another wolf attack. The damage was bad, with the whole village being wiped out. They spared no one, not even women or children. I gritted my teeth knowing what they'd do to the innocent children.

He stated that the wolves had left a message in the blood of vampires: RETURN WHAT YOU HAVE STOLEN.

Alec, Taemin and I were confused. We were wondering if the message meant that they wanted me to release all the wolves. We decided to go with that theory since we had no idea what else they could've been referring to. Taemin also stated that a wounded wolf warned them that the battle was just beginning.

Great, they planned on launching more attacks. Why can't they just be content with living in terror and serving my kind? All of us vampires love it, so I don't see their problem. I told Taemin to give the order and send troops to some villages. I then requested he tell Hailey to bring the new slave to the dining room.

Alec, Sophie, and Lexi were already seated. Sophie gave me an excited wave with a big smile. I gave her a small smile and wave. I sat at the head and waited for Hailey to bring my pet down. Taemin had entered and gave me a small nod. I could already hear Hailey and the wolf girl approaching.

I saw her shocked face when she entered the room. It was almost as if she recognized everyone here. I knew she'd recognize me and Lexi, but why did it seem she was acquainted with the others? I know Alec never sorted her, so there was no way they've met before.

I quickly shook off my confusion and motioned for her to sit next to me. She cautiously sat in the designated seat. I tilted my head and observed her nervous actions. I could feel everyone's eyes on me, so I motioned for them to eat. I placed a piece of meat in my mouth and tried to disguise my discomfort. I noticed her quizzical stare on me. It's like she knew I didn't feel well after consuming the food. How'd she-

"You have your blood slave with you." Alec addressed me. "That's new." He sipped his goblet of blood.

"Trying something different." I kept my eyes on the wolf girl. "Tell me, pet. Who'd you convince to help you clean up the bodies?"

"No one." She smugly stated.

"Then, where'd you dispose of them?" If no one helped her, how'd she know where to place the bodies.

"Out your window, down the side of the mountain." She smirked while I raised a brow.

Well, that's certainly one way to get rid of them. Taemin and Alec raced out the room to properly dispose of them. They didn't want any poor vampires soliciting outside the chateau.

"You're psychotic." I said with a smile.

"Not as much as you." I chuckled at her rebuttal. "What would you have done if I killed L- your friend?"

"Bury her." I decided to test her. I saw Lexi stiffen at my callous response.

"Seriously?!" And I received the reaction I wanted from her. "She's your friend and you'd willingly sacrifice her!"

"She'd at least get a burial. And what did I say about speaking out of-"

"Like I give a remote shit-"

She was really testing my patience with her disrespect. I slammed her into the wall and whispered into her ear.

"I should kill you-"

"Then do it." She stated with an attitude.

"Nah, that'd be too easy." I pulled back to look at her. "I like to torture my play things." I then released her. "You'll be starved. Take her to the dungeons." I motioned for the guards to grab her.

I sat down while she was dragged away. Everyone was looking at me with worry since they knew she was my mate. I had Hailey inform everyone so they were caught up to speed.

"Please don't take this as disrespect, sister... but is starving your mate really necessary?"

"It's to teach her manners and respect." I sipped some blood. "She won't be subjected to punishment when she acts properly."

"You could kill her." Hailey cautiously said.

"She'll learn." I chuckled, but everyone was sporting frowns. "Fine... I won't starve her." They breathed a sigh of relief. "I'll just feed her a pure vegetarian diet." They tried to protest, but I held my hand up to silence them.


I fed her that diet for three days. I knew any longer and her body would give out. I wanted to taunt her, so I went to the dungeons. I was shocked, but not surprised to see her bite a guard's hand off. Well, he was probably harassing her.

"You really are a troublemaker." I teased. "Look at me when I'm speaking to you." I was annoyed at her rudeness.

"Why? Going to continue starving me?" She spared me a quick glance. "Keep feeding me vegetables so that my body can ultimately shut down. Smart torture tactic... for a juvenile." I was annoyed she thought my torture method was childish and ineffective. I've never met someone who's sole desire was to push my buttons.

"Open the gate." I growled at the guard.

The moment the door opened, I raced inside. I dragged her up by the collar and yanked her towards my room. Once inside my room, I tossed her onto the bed. I chained her to the bed, so she couldn't escape. It really looked like I was into some heavy BDSM. Who wouldn't with a goddess like her chained to your bed?

I chuckled when she opened the spreader bar. Her eyes widened when she failed at trying to close it.

"Looks like you figured out what the spreader bar does." I purred.

"Touch me and I'll rip your throat out... with my teeth." She said through gritted teeth.

"I'm dealing with a power bottom." I chuckled and crawled on top of her. "I need to teach you who the real master is." I smirked.

"Alec?" She gave me an innocent look.

I growled and was about to kiss her, but she brought her knees up so the spreader bar would hit the back of my head. She then trapped my neck under the bar. I heard her break her wrist before quickly cuffing me to the bed. I didn't move. I simply stared at her in absolute fury.

She gulped and ran out the room. I flicked my wrist and snapped the cuffs. I took a deep breath to calm my demon. My demonic desires were screaming to rip her apart. I closed my eyes and allowed the abyss color to turn to my natural green eyes. I rolled off my bed and found the silver dampening cuffs. I then growled and sped to the wolf girl.

I threw her into the wall. She tried to get up, so I bashed her head into the ground.

"You want to act like a child, then you shall be treated like one." I clasped silver cuffs on her wrists. "Rest up because your punishment will be excruciating." I sneered into her ear.

I was shocked to see her pass out. I quickly caught her and picked her up bridal style. I became worried that I may have killed her. I breathed a sigh of relief at hearing her heartbeat. I then walked to the med bay and called for Hailey to meet me.

"Your high-"

"Will she be alright?" I was worried since her breaths were shallow.

"She'll be fine." Hailey placed her hand on the wolf girl's forehead. "Her body is just weakened from the diet and the chains." Hailey concluded.

"Okay, thank you." I breathed out. Hailey was staring at me in shock. "What?" I quirked a brow.

"It's just that you t-thanked me." She muttered.

"Huh?" I realized I rarely showed gratitude. "Hmm... perhaps I should say it more often." Hailey was surprised by my statement. "Chain her to the water torture device." Hailey nodded and picked the girl up. "Oh, and Hailey..." She turned to look at me. "Thank you." I then walked out the room.

Piercing My HeartOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora