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The next day, Mila and I accessed Zena's repressed memories. It was hard to see the atrocities Zena had to endure from her point of view. It really made me want to kill Abramovich so much more. I felt powerless as I watched her struggle and scream against the pain. My poor baby girl.

Zena was a little fragile after that, so Mila and I allowed Naomi to look after her. They spent the time cuddling on the couch while watching movies or something that Naomi was trying to introduce Zena to.

Mila had taken me by the arm and led me to her room. Once there, she turned with a satisfied look. I quirked a brow since I didn't know where this conversation was destined to go.

"Remember what Beth told us?" I shook my head. "You were literally there." She narrowed her eyes. "Our homework assignment?"

"I tend to ignore anything out of people's mouths that I do not care for." I shrugged and passed her.

"We're going to a club." I stopped at Mila's words. "And I get to flirt and you get to watch."

"That's the dumbest-"

"It's our assignment." She smirked.

"I do not recall Beth saying that-"

"It was implied and open for interpretation. I interpreted it to mean that you must watch me be flirted with." Mila gave me a teasing smile. "Or can you not handle a little thing? Didn't you say you're not threatened by anyone?" She gave me a faux thinking face.

"Fine." I spoke through gritted teeth.

"Perfect. Tell Z we're going to do something for a little bit." She winked before walking into the bathroom.

I rolled my eyes and left to advise Zena. I found her asleep on Naomi's lap. Naomi was smiling down at my daughter with so much love. She sensed me, so she glanced up. I heard her gulp while I eyed her wearily.

"We're going out. Look after her." My eyes flickered down to Zena.

"Lara?" I hummed at her. "I'm sorry for everything that's going on between you and Amelia."

"I am too." I gave her a sad smile. "Just take care of my daughter for a little bit."

I then turned around and headed back upstairs. I ran a hand through my hair as I opened the door. My jaw dropped to the floor at what Mila was wearing. She saw my reaction and smirked. I guess she was hoping for this exact reaction from me.

Her dress was blood red and so, so short. If she just moved a little I could see- SHE'S NOT WEARING PANTIES! Oh hell no! I felt weak in my knees at the sight. I was practically drooling. She swayed her sultry hips towards me. She sensually closed my mouth before brushing her lips against my ear.

"Hurry up, driver." She winked before walking passed me.

"Fuck." I moaned out.


"Must we really go through with this?" I groaned.

"Of course." She winked.

Mila grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the bouncer. He took one look at us and lifted the barrier. The people in the queue were about to complain, but when they looked at us... they shrugged and nodded in acceptance.

Mila led us to a bar crowded with douchebags. I rolled my eyes as she released my hand and sensually approached the bar. I bit back a growl at seeing the lustful eyes watch her every movement. I harshly brushed a guy's shoulder since he was checking out my girl's ass. He stumbled back and began panicking since his drink spilt all over him.

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