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I chuckled at the girl's manic state. She felt like she was going insane at the torture method I was using. I told her I was dripping a harmful chemical on her head, when it was just water! I figured I'd have to persue psychological torture with her since she was probably well aquatinted with physical torture.

I was really finding this amusing, but Hailey had to ruin my fun. She was informing me that the guests had begun to arrive. I nodded at her and motioned for her to free the girl. I also told Hailey to bring the wolf girl to the party. Hailey was apprehensive, but knew better than to question me.

I had my maids help dress me. I sipped a glass of blood as they did my makeup and hair. I then chose a skintight black dress. I've got to look good for my guests, especially since I need them to encourage their citizens to help fight the potential threats. Yep, the threats were becoming more serious to the point I was slightly worried... slightly.

I entered the ball room and gave fake smiles and exchanged pleasantries. I sat on the throne and observed the guests. They had a line of humans and other people to choose from. These slaves were at my guests' beck and call. I sensed Hailey enter with the wolf girl. Hailey really made her look even more beautiful and the girl was already drop dead gorgeous.

A frown appeared on my face when I heard one of my guests address them.

"Care if I have a bite?" He eyed the girl.

"Yes." I decided to make my presence known. "If you couldn't tell... she's wearing the royal colors." I glared at him. The man sheepishly nodded and apologized before rushing off. "Well, don't you look exquisite. All eyes are on you, love." I complimented. "Walk with me." I walked away with her on my heel.

I found it amusing how bored she was. Well, welcome to my world. Being a queen isn't all it's cracked up to be. It consists of boring meetings, listening to the subject's concerns, and hosting countless balls for fundraising or other political ambitions. I'd much rather be on a yacht sailing across the Mediteranean. I would even bring the girl on my fun excursions. I decided to entertain myself by infuriating her. I would introduce her as my pet or dog. I'd have to shoot her a warning glare whenever she'd growl at my guests. Can't have my guests thinking I don't keep my dog on a short leach.

"Is she your blood slut?!" One of my guests laughed.

I tighten my grip around the goblet. What he said struck a nerve. She's not my slut or slave! I wanted to murder him right here, right now, but I had to control myself. I tapped my pointer finger against the glass. Hopefully, this'll calm me down. I really need the support of-

"You must tell us, your majesty." A man struggled to control his laugh. "Do you bound her and then fuck the slut dry?" The group of them cackled in laughter.

"I can only imagine the sadism you enact on her. I mean... her blood is indescribable." Another man laughed.

That's it! He moved to sniff her, so I grabbed him by the face and threw him into a wall. I then gulped down the rest of the blood and grabbed the girl's hand. I signaled for everyone to get back to the party. I then told the girl to dance with me.

I wrapped an arm around her waist and used my other hand to clap hers. I then led her in a waltz. My eyes were searching the crowd for any hateful eyes. All my guests kept their eyes away from me and the girl. I could feel their discomfort at seeing me be affectionate with a wolf, but I didn't care. I felt her eyes on me, but I didn't want to look at her yet. When I felt her eyes move, I looked at her.

She slowly turned her head back to look at me. We were engaged in intense eye contact. I was struggling with what to say. Her beauty was surely distracting me.

"Ask your questions." I averted my eyes.

"Why the water torture?"

"Because your the kind who won't break under physical torture. The only chance at breaking you is using psychological torture, but I can see that failed as well." I smirked and twirled her. "Is that it?" I then tugged her so that we were chest to chest.

"Why am I here?" Her tone was sharp.

"Because it's a party and I want to make the guests envious of what they can't have." I whispered into her ear as I eyed the hungry vamps.

"Why were you angry your guest called me a blood slut?" I fought back a growl at that word. "That is what I am, so why the reaction?" I then dipped her.

"Last time I've checked, I haven't indulged in your liquid warmth... both internally and externally." I allowed my lips to graze her neck. "Maybe my reaction will change when I taste all of you." I smirked.

"What is the real reason you won't kill me?" I involuntarily snarled at her question.

"Pure entertainment." I looked away since I couldn't stand her intense eye contact. "I have to go. Try to stay out of trouble, wolfy." I removed myself from her.

My emotions were running wild inside. I grabbed a goblet and chugged the wine. I needed a distraction immediately. I smiled and grabbed a woman to dance with me. I could feel the jealousy radiating off the girl. I'd feel the same way if I was her. The vampire chick I was dancing with was practically giving me "fuck me" eyes. I was seriously considering it since my thoughts were running wild with what I wanted to do to that wolf girl.

I could hear her speaking with Sophie. I'm not dumb. I realized Sophie had encouraged the wolf girl to actually consume meat. I could practically feel the strength coming back to the girl. I then heard her speaking with Alec. I twirled the vamp girl and brought her into a kiss. She smirked into the kiss and brought her leg up to wrap around mine. I smirked back and licked her lip. I was about to push my tongue into her mouth, but I could hear the snarls and lustful aura around some of my guests.

I pulled back and watched as my guests' eyes were trained on the wolf girl. I snarled because she's mine!I removed myself from the vamp girl and made my way to the wolf girl.

"Your mission sure is to vex me, is it not?" I gripped her arm and led her to my room.

When I entered my room, I closed the door and slammed her into the wall.

We glared at each other in silence.

"I can only tolerate so much disrespect." I spoke through gritted teeth. "That stunt could've been catastrophic."

"Worried they'd hurt me?" She mocked me.

"I would've slaughtered the entire hall." I said through a strained whisper. "How would that have looked if I wiped out a few dozen vampires?"

"Would've looked good for every other species." I scoffed at her words.

"You test my patience." I removed myself from her. "And that attitude..." I chuckled since she was kinda funny. She was certainly amusing since I've never been challenged like this before. "Truly savage."

A knock then sounded on my door. I smirked at the wolf girl and went to answer it. Based on their faces, I knew there'd been another attack. I motioned for Taemin to stay with the girl while Hailey and I went to assess the damage. I didn't like the idea of leaving someone as tantalizing as the wolf girl alone in a chateau filled with sadistic vamps (myself included).

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