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It turned out that they had become aware of the vampires hiding in Italy I'm surmised it took them this long to find out. Anyways, Mila insisted on investing the situation. As expected, her family was against it since they just got her back.

Mila was able to convince them (she is very persuasive) into letting her go. Obviously, I'd be tagging along with her. I wanted to know who this Alpha was and why he chose to conspire with my father. What did my father offer him in exchange for betraying his kind? Money? Power? I don't know, but I for sure want to meet him.

They were hiding out in the slum part of Napoli. No wonder Dante didn't know about them. They were hiding in the tunnels. Not even I would've thought to look there. We followed our guides through the maze of tunnels. It was easy to get lost in here if you didn't know where to go. It was also a smart of the wolves to waft their scent all over the tunnels, so you didn't know exactly where to look.

They took us to Angelo. I recognized him as leader who rivaled Dante. He tried to battle Dante for the title of Aloha King, but Dante beat him. Seems he's a sore loser.

"Angelo, Alpha of the pack that rivals the Ricci's." I shook his hand, but I much rather murder him.

"Princess, I wasn't expecting your visit. I would've prepared the place more." He bowed. At least he knows who's more powerful here.

"That's not necessary." I walked behind his desk. "You know how father is. He likes unexpected visits to keep everyone on their toes."

"Of course, your highness." He smiled. "Is she your lap dog?" He got too comfortable and insulted my mate to my face.

"Let's keep this meeting business related." I sharply spoke.

"Sorry, your highness. Didn't mean to get personal and offend." He bowed in submission like he should.

"I have a few questions for you." I sat in his chair and motioned for Mila to approach me. "Let's begin."

With Mila's help, I was able to interrogate this idiot. I wasn't surmised by my father's tactic to infiltrate Italy. It had actually been my idea many centuries ago. I wonder why it took him so long to actually follow through with my plan.

So he only had 50 vampires with him and 300 loyal wolves. That wasn't so bad. He'd be easy to eliminate as long as we could convince the other victimized wolves to stand against him. I can't believe he kidnapped children and threatened them into compliance.

He's also been informing my father about the wolves' every move. Hmm... Dante thought he had the edge over my father, but he didn't. My father was aware of his every move. That wasn't good, but Dante was such a good leader that he was able to beat my father even when he's at a disadvantage.

What caught my attention was the plan to attack the Rick residence when they'd be hosting orphans. He didn't care about the casualties and even considered slaughtering all the children. Now, I'm a sucker for children, so his cavalier comment made my blood boil.

I was able to keep it together for the sake of completing the mission. I'd kill him soon, but not now. There were too many lives at stake for me to make an emotional decision. I'll wait and then strike. I was done with this scum, so I wanted to summarize my findings.

"How many wolves did you say were loyal to you again?" I began texting Dante the details.

"Probably around 300 are blindly loyal." He laughed.

"And vampires?" I told him to plan an attack tonight or his residence would be hosting the fight.

"50." He confidently stated.

"And how do you know which wolves are loyal to you?"

"They have a gold watch like mine." He held his wrist up.

"Thank you." I told Dante to look for people wearing gold watches. "We'll be taking our leave." I guided Mila out the room.

The two who guided us here were waiting, but I didn't want them. I needed to know the ins and outs of this place. I needed someone who was a victim and not loyal to Angelo. I caught a glimpse of a young girl and motioned for her to lead us. Angelo was hesitant since he didn't trust the girl, but I waved off his concerns.

I couldn't help but notice the girl's frail form. She looked like she hadn't had a proper meal in a while. Well, Napoli is the home of pizza. I also remembered that Mila hasn't eaten for a few hours, so I decided to buy them some food.

The girl was hesitant to accept the food, but I basically forced her to eat. Once the girl was finished eating, I motioned for Mila to speak with her. I figured the girl would trust a fellow wolf over a vampire, especially a royal wolf.

Mila flashed her wolf eyes. The girl squealed at recognizing the royal gold with specks of silver. She ran into Mila's arms to embrace her. I smiled at her relieved face. Mila was able to get the girl to divulge everything she knew about the tunnels.

Mila asked the girl to inform the other wolves that they'd be free tonight. The girl quickly nodded and rushed to inform the others. I know Dante wanted us to return to Amalfi, but I had the feeling that Mila wouldn't want to just abandon everyone. I gave her the option and she chose to stay, like I expected. We had some time to kill, so I took her to the beach to hang out. We'd have to wait until nightfall to launch an attack. It's not the worst way to waste some time.

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