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I was so distracted by Nicole's gorgeous face that I neglected to see the angry man approaching me. He grabbed my glass and dumped the alcohol on me. I was fuming, but I kept my cool, especially in front of Nicole. Can't give her any reasons to think negatively of me.

"You bitch! You slept with my girlfriend!" I smirked at his angered face.

"Yes, and I'd do it again." I smirked. He tried to hit me, but security had arrived and dragged him away. "And this is why my mother wants me to travel with a security detail." I tried to lighten the mood with Nicole, but of course, that dipshit had other plans.

"If you're gay then why use a strap?!" That bastard really thought his comment would offend me.

"Some women just know how to use it better. We know how to navigate that area without a GPS." His eyes opened wide as I began speaking. I was far from done. "And we don't finish in under a minute and leave the other person laying there unsatisfied. We can pick any size... can't say the same about yours." I simulated him having a micro dick. "And yours doesn't have the ability to glow in the dark. So while I'm strapping your girl, we're also having a party." I smirked and continued drinking my mimosa.

He was still shouting at me when security dragged him out the restaurant.

I would've loved to stay longer with Nicole, but I saw one of my father's henchmen walking around. I excused myself by stating I had a meeting. I quickly dialed Lexi to tell her to bring Taemin. I needed those two as backup since Alec would have to protect my mom and Hailey.

They quickly arrived at the location. Interestingly, he chose to enter a nightclub. We entered through the back and provided the secret code. The bouncer pulled the curtain back to reveal a luxurious lounge. I pointed him to Lexi and Taemin. They nodded and walked over.

I sat at the bar and ordered a drink. A few grunts later, the man was seated next to me. Taemin had a firm grip on the man's shoulders while Lexi held a silver blade to his throat.

"Care for a drink?" I motioned for the bartender to pour a bourbon for my guest. His jaw was clamped shut in defiance. "I suggest you accept my hospitality since it won't remain for much longer." I narrowed my eyes.

He hesitantly took the glass and brought it to his lips. I smiled at his compliance. The other patrons weren't paying attention to us. I took the blade from Lexi and carelessly waved it around.

"Mind telling us why you're here?" I played with the blade.

When I didn't hear a response, I clamped my hand off his mouth before driving the blade into his eye. He tried to scream out in pain, but only muffles came out. I chuckled when he thrashed around. Taemin easily held him down. It was embarrassing how weak this man was compared to us.

When he stopped squirming, I slowly pulled the blade from his eye. This caused him to squirm even more. He even allowed tears to fall. When the blade was completely removed, I handed it to Lexi. I gave her permission to use the blade as she pleased.

"Want to answer now?" I removed my hand from his mouth. "I can always pluck your fingernails out as well." I gave him a psychotic smile. He visible shuddered. "I suggest you speak before I begin to saw off your fingers." I motioned for Lexi to hand me the blade.

"Alright!" He had a German accent. "The King tasked me to investigate you because of your traitorous-" I clamped my hand over his mouth before slicing three of his fingers off. I pressed my hand harder against his mouth when I felt the vibrations of him screaming bloody murder.

"Now, that wasn't nice." I reprimanded. "I asked why you were here, not what you think of us." I gave him a sympathetic face. "Understand now?" I spoke slowly, causing Taemin to crack a smile. The man nodded, so I removed my hand from his mouth. "Now, talk." My voice was stern and commanding.

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