"She's right" said Techno behind me

"AYYY YOU FUCKING BITCH" Tommy stomped his way to us like if he was in a book.

Pfft, image being in a book. Couldnt be me. I go down stairs and see the same people. Wilbur, tubbo, niki, fundy, and more. They all look up at us three, staring us down as we walked down stairs.

"Do you guys have to keep starin" I shot at them. Them staring was really starting annoy me.

I jump down and land infront of Will with a selfish grin. He extended his arm for a side hug. I gladly hug him with my arm around his back. He starts rubbing my back and i heard someone coughing.

I look back and see that Niki was looking at me a little mean. Shes not that intimidating but it's fine. I let go of Will and walk up to Niki, patting her head.

"Don't be like that" I lower my head to her ear. "He's my brother" I lowered my hand and patted her shoulder.

She gave me a sigh of relief and smiled gently. I slip my hand away and turn around to see everyone already suited up. Everyone with swords, crossbows, bows, axes, food, arrows, and more.

"Before anything, does anyone have anything else that we could use, anything to help us" Tommy said, desperately.

Techno chuckled a little and turned to me. I give him the side eye, a lightly grin.

"I have a little tiny thingy thing that I've been working on for the past week" He walked to the starts and looked back at the group. "Follow me"

Techno started walking up the stairs and everyone followed behind him. I wanted to go out last only to put Yuki and Clementine in a safe soft in Pogtopia. I walk next the fireplace and set them down, giving them a piece of fish that I had for some reason.

"Here ya go, stay safe ok, I'll come back for you" I caress them gently, scratching them behind their ears and leaving. I met up with the group who was actually waiting for me.

"Took ya long enough" Fundy said. "We've been waiting out here for hours"

"Its only been a few minutes, calm down pussy or should I say furry" that made him quiet. Of course he doesn't like being called a furry, I mean who would, it's honestly fucking weird. (Sorry if your a furry lmao)

"Alright, let's get moving" Techno power jumped over the lake. Everyone tries to power jump but fail and fell into the lake.

I take out my wings and carry Niki bridal style. I dont want her getting wet for one reason and one reason only, well two but whatever.

One, shes beauty, shes grace, She'll smack Wilbur in the face. Two, her clothes are see through. So I'm just carrying her across and I dont want anyone looking at her thingy thing. Yeah that.

I carefully put her down and see that Techno was standing infront of a pond, arms crossed. I look closely and see that theres a hole and in a flash, Techno jumps in. Everyone follows and it's just me and Niki.

"Here, put your arms around me" she did so without hesitation, hugging me with her head on my chest. Oh my god, no stop, dont beat fast dont beat fast dont beat fast.

My wings wrap around us and we both jump into the whole. I kept one of my hands on her head, making sure nothing happens. When we got down, everyone stared at us but I'm not sure why. We definitely didnt get went thanks to my wings but I'm still confused.

Then I felt something move on my chest, I look down and see Niki getting a face full of my chest. What the fuck, is she enjoying this, is this normal for females?

I quickly unwrap and put my wings away since it was a little too crowded. Everything goes back to normal, everyone looking around and going threw chests.

Techno told everyone to stop searching threw his chest and to pay attention to him. He went into his enchanting room and everyone, well, half of the people went in there as well, looking through his stuff once more.

Techno leaned back and reached up, pulling down a lever, revealing something beneath him. He climbed down the ladders and everyone proceeded to follow his lead.

"Now this" he said proudly, walking up to the stand with full netherite armour. "Now this is the vault, take whatever you need"

Everyone yelled at how amazing it looked. It went down and saw it for myself. It was small but big enough to fit all of his needs. Tubbo walked up to the emerald chest and stared grabbing stacks of emeralds without Techno noticing, I simply laughed at the sight of it.

"I am ready for revolution boys" he turned around, gracefully throwing g his arms up.

After a few minutes, everyone was geared up, even more than they were a few minutes ago.

Techno walked to me, giving me a little poppy. "For you m'lady" he bowed.

I chuckled, and gave him a courtesy. "Why thank you kind sir"

We watched everyone grab anything they needed and for some reason, my back got a little tingle, giving me the shivers

"Are you cold?" He put his hand on my cheek and started rubbing it with his thumb. "I'll give you my cloak if you are"

"No no I'm good, just a tingle" putting my hand on his.

"If you say so" he said calmly, giving me a forehead kiss before going up to the group. "We attack at dawn, Alright?"

Everyone agreed and Tommy starting saying stuff

"We've got the blade" he paused for a moment and looked around. "WE'VE GOT THE BLADE" he screamed making the other scream the same too.

Just a few more hours and then it all ends.

Let destroy this pitiful nation, and destroy the next.


Hi hello.

Sorry this took a little long, school is really fucking me up.
And bro, I get my wisdom teeth out on Monday.

The End Of The End.              (Technoblade X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now