The executions

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(Levi POV)

Dammit (Y/N).
It was early morning and we had been called to court for an unknown reason. I was worried about where (Y/N) was, but I never would have thought that we would be called to court to discuss her.
I walked into the courtroom, and I almost jumped out of my skin when I saw (Y/N) passed out and cuffed to a pole wearing barely any clothes. She had bandages around her chest, and a small pair of (skin/colour) shorts on. Other than that, she was fully exposed. (Y/N) had bruises all over her body. Did they beat her up? This made me furious. But I had to keep my cool.
I wondered why she was here? Did she get caught as 'the killer of men'? Or was she caught as Special Operations Officer? I looked to Erwin, he seemed just as stressed as I was. "what's the plan?" I whispered to Erwin.
He took a deep breath and looked at (Y/N) passed out on the floor, "we can't try to do anything yet. I have no idea why she is here. Let's just see what happens." I nodded in agreement with him.
Erwin and I moved to the back of the room, out of view of (Y/N). If she woke up distressed and looked to us anxiously for help, questions would be asked towards us. I didn't take my eyes off her for one second.
One soldier in the stands yelled that she was awake. My eyes widened. I wanted to go run up to her and un cuff her, but I couldn't, it would get me in trouble. (Y/N) didn't move much. I noticed her tense up a little bit and feel around her handcuffs. But then Zachley walked in.
He said that (Y/N) was a suspect of being 'the killer of men'. That made me gulp a bit. He explained how she was caught. Dam (Y/N)...always running around in that stupid was only a matter of time before she got caught. But then The Premier pulled out the 'evidence'. That son of a bitch had crossed a line now. He laid out (Y/N)'s bra and underwear on the table for everyone to see. I noticed Erwin gasp a little when he saw it. This enraged me. He had no right to strip (Y/N) down and put her clothes out for public view.
The Premier asked the Commanders for their comment. Dot Pyxis was right. But Nile Dok was ruthless, he wanted to execute (Y/N) right here, right now. Erwin agreed with Pyxis. It was a 2 v 1. But Darius Zachley had 2 votes, and he sided with Nile Dok, to execute (Y/N) on the spot, with just the evidence they had.
He ordered them to raise their guns. It took every bit of my being to not go in there and break (Y/N) out right now. They were about to kill her! But I halted when I heard (Y/N) speak again. What she said was very valid. But Darius Zachley wouldn't change his mind easily. I noticed very quickly what she was doing.
(Y/N) was distracting them by talking, and using the time to dislocate her wrist and break out! I nudged to Erwin and whispered to him, "she's dislocating her wrist to break out!" Erwin smiled a bit. It would only be a matter of seconds before all the walls in this room were stained with blood. (Y/N) wasn't going to hold back, not anymore.

(Your POV)

The room fell into silence after I finished speaking. I could tell that some people now realized how wrong this was. I successfully dislocated my wrist, I held the cuff in my hand and stayed in the same spot until I knew I absolutely needed to break out.
Zachley looked at me with disgusted eyes, "I would rather spare one mere life on the chance they were a skillful murderer, than take a chance and let you roam free again, who knows how many more lives you might take."
I frowned a little, and bought myself more time to think of a plan. "So Mr. Zachley. Are there any questions you want to ask me before you take my life?" I tilted my head to the side.
He walked down to the floor I was on. All eyes were on us. He kneeled down to meet my eye level about 20 feet away from me.
He asked with a soft voice, almost feeling sorry for me. "I have a few. And I'm sure the other Commanders have some as well." I nodded my head, "I'm all ears."
"Why'd you do it? Why'd you do all of it? What was your gain? Are you crazy?" His voice grew anxious.
I took a deep breath and looked around the room to all of the soldiers desperately awaiting my answer.
"If. I was this 'killer of men'. I can assure you I'm not crazy. I'm probably the most sane person you would have ever met. If I was the killer of men, I can only tell you that I would do what I did because I had to, to survive."
The room quieted. You could almost hear a pin drop. Zachley grunted in response.
"Do you even regret in the slightest what you have done? Do you realize how many lives you have taken!!?" Nile Dok screamed with rage from the stands. I looked to him with sorrowful eyes.
"If I was the killer of men. I would tell you that I do understand what I have done. But do I regret it? Not at all. Not for one second." I admitted while looking Nile straight in the eyes.
His face grew furious, he almost ran down from the stands to give me a piece of his mind. His soldiers held him back.
I spoke again, "If you kill me now I will die without regrets. I've been prepared to die at any time for years now. But I can assure you, if you kill me now, you will be killing yourselves as well, in more ways you could imagine." I deeply sighed and looked back to the floor.
Darius Zachley gave me a questioning look, "What is that supposed to mean?"
I returned his questioning look right back to him, "Oh come on now..." I laughed. Everyone looked to me with confusion.
"Do the legends not have any affects on you all?" I asked.
They all gave me angered looks now.
I shrugged. "IF. If I was the killer of men. Wouldn't you want me on your side? I mean just think of all the titans I could kill! All the lives I could save!"
"You have given us no reason to trust you. And frankly, no amount of titan killing could save you from your crimes. You filthy scum of the Earth, you are no better than a titan outside the walls!" He growled at me.
I gave him a funny look. "Hey hey hey. Why are you so rude all of a sudden? You should watch what you say to me!"
He gritted his teeth. "Or what."
I hung my head an sneered under my breath, letting out a little chuckle or two.
Zachley stood back up and walked back to his podium.
I really hoped I would hear or see Levi or Erwin do something. But I guess they were just going to leave it up to me, again.
I really didn't want to have to do this, but my life was on the line, and I promised Levi I wasn't going down easy.
Darius made it to his podium. I looked to the 4 soldiers pointing guns at my head. They looked weak. They looked like their only power was in their weapons. I could tell that the Premier was going to give the orders any second now. So I said my 'last words'.

"Guns. They are a weapon for pussies." I scoffed.
Zachley raised his right arm up. The second he moved in downwards, I was dead meat.
Now was the time to act.
"I really tried to reason with you guys..." I sighed.
And just like that, Zachley lowered his arm. The guns fired. I heard a excruciating scream behind me.
I slid on my butt out of the stand, dodging the bullets. The soldiers had shot each other in the legs, and fallen to the ground in pain. I ran to the table and grabbed my jacked and knives quickly. I looked to Nile Dok, and gave him the same smile I did in the courtroom earlier. Stupid stupid guy. Doesn't know when to stop.
I jumped right into fight mode and shouted.
I had made my plan. Kill all of the soldiers first, and leave the commanders and Premier to die last. Then, say goodbye to Levi and go on the run for the rest of my life.

Soldiers raced down from the stands in an attempt to stop me. Unfortunately for them, this fight was going to be quick. I wasn't going to leave them alive today, not like last time. I flipped the knives in my hand skillfully and then charged into the soldier. I pulled the hood over my head and began my killing rampage.

I effortlessly slit the throats of the first 2 soldiers. I jumped off their dying bodies to get higher. I flung my 2 knives into the hearts of 2 more soldiers. I jumped down and twisted the necks of 4 more people. I ran back to the other soldiers and pulled the knives from them. 10 more soldiers coming at me. 4 soldiers surrounded me on all sides. I took my knives out and swung them at all of their throats in a spinning motion. 3 came charging at me. I gave a palm strike to one to stop their heart, and threw my knives at the other 2. 2 more came at me, trying to jump down on me from above. I crouched down in a ball. And when they came down on me, I hit them him the side of their necks, right under their jaw, to break their neck.
I didn't see any more people coming at me now. I was relieved. But then I realized. Wait! Where is the last person!? There were 10 more right? I only took down 9!
My question was quickly answer when I felt a hard tap on the back of my head.
"Drop your weapons." The soldier yelled.
I dropped my weapons and held my hands up. I felt the gun on the back of my head. I looked around the room, now having view of the back. I thought Levi and Erwin would be standing there, but they weren't. I felt neutral about it. I didn't want them to see what I had just done, but at the same time, I wanted them here to help me out.
I turned around to face the soldier holding a gun to my head. He gritted his teeth. "Do you have any idea how many people you have just murdered?!! How many of my friends? How many people with families waiting for them at home?!!"
I tilted my hood back. Showing him my face. "I do understand. And I do feel for them and their families. But the truth is, I gave you all an option. Join forces with me, and I would help save humanity from titans, or I walk out of here. They chose to attack me first, all I did was defend myself. You all chose the wrong option, and these are the consequences."
He got angry at my answer and poked my head with the gun roughly a few times.
I looked to the gun. He was bluffing! There were no bullets in the gun! Ha!
But why would he do this? OH SHIT! HE WAS STALLING!
Wow, big chapter. Looks like (Y/N) has revealed her identity. But they don't know your name yet, only what your face looks like.
Also, just a heads up, the story will be coming to an end soon.
But I am writing another fic, a modern levi x reader

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