Let's play a game...

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(Your POV)

As you rushed out of Levi's room, you sprinted back to your room and made it to the toilet just in the nick of time. You hurled your stomach contents out in a disgusting manner.
I know what your probably thinking, is Levi really that bad of a kisser? No, Levi wasn't a bad kisser, you threw up because the feeling of love, anger, and discomfort overwhelmed you.
You sat in front of the toilet leaning your head into the bowl puking for about 10 minutes. After you felt like you had thrown up everything in your stomach, you need some fresh air.
Mindlessly walking around the scout base, you deeply thought of your options. But, it was a real struggle for you. Becoming a scout filled a hole in you that was gaping open for years, it was weird to be doing so much killing and not being afraid of being arrested for it.
You really wanted to keep pursuing your career as a scout, but having Levi also there would be a huge issue. As you saw Levi today for the first time again in 3 years, a weird feeling overcame you (causing you to barf). You didn't like this feeling one bit. If you had to fight alongside Levi, there would be no doubt that the tension between you two from knowing each other's pasts, would lead to terrible things.

You jumped out of your thoughts, as you realized that you had stumbled out of the Scout base and into a bad part of town. You weren't afraid, but you still were on your toes. Speed-walking through the town, the only light source was the moonlight. You tried to hurry back to base, but were rudely interrupted by a whack to the head.


Your eyes burst open. You knew what was happening the minute you felt a cold chill down your spine before you were knocked unconscious.
You trained yourself for situations like this. Analyzing your surroundings, you calmly accepted your situation.

You had a gag in your mouth.
A mask was covering your eyes.
Your legs were tied together by the ankles by what felt like thick rope.
You were sat in a sturdy chair.
Your hand were behind you back, tied with more rope.

Taking a deep breath in, you tried to draw attention to yourself to get a rough idea of who you were being captured by, how many people there were, and what the intentions of these people are.

Your voice was muffled by the gag, but it still did the trick. You heard footsteps, 'sounds like 2 people' you thought to yourself. As the people approached, they took off your blind fold.

Warehouse building.
Looks like 2d floor.
Thin windows near you.
Still night time.
2 men.
No weapons nearby.

The both stood in front of you. "You sure this the girl?" The man asked his friend. "Yea, she matches the description."
In disbelief, the first man stared at you for a few more seconds, and then replied, "Yea she seems about right. I guess I didn't expect this beautiful lady to be 'the killer of men'" He laughed.
You hated that name. You hated it so much. Every time someone mentioned the name to you or around you, anger raged through your mid. It only reminded you of your terrible past.

"Ok, let's go call boss."

"Be right there."

One man headed off while the other stared at you with a smirk, "You are going to make us a lotta money little lady." He headed off out the door chuckling as he stepped.

This was your chance to escape. As they left, an old strategy popped into your mind. You used to be able to dislocate your left wrist to slip out of binds like this. You were unsure. It had been about half a decade since you had done it last. Preparing for pain, you positioned your gag comfortably in your mouth.
You tried your best to muffled your screams as you tried to dislocate your wrist. The rope was tied tight, so it made your trick a little harder to do. Between the rope burn, and you literally dislocating your wrist, you almost passed out from the pain.
After 30 excruciatingly painful seconds, you managed to slip your hands out. Wasting no time, you quickly untied your feet and bolted to the window. Of course, you being your reckless self, you didn't hesitate to run straight through the window. You misjudged the height of the building. You were really on the third floor.
As you hit the ground, you landed on your left foot. You screamed in agonizing pain as you realized you broke your ankle. There was no time to waste. Despite the pain, you got up and ran back to Scout HQ.
After running for about 5 minutes at top speed, you finally reached base.
On the way, you contemplated going to the infirmary, but you knew you would have to explain how you got the injuries, and that was just not an option.
You raced back to your room, stealing a bottle of alcohol on the process from the kitchen.
You popped off the cork and took a big swig before pouring 1/4 of the bottle on your wounds. The sting was painful, but nothing compared to when you fell 30 feet and landed on your ankle.
In an attempt to make a splint for your foot, you ripped up your bedsheets and wrapped it around your ankle.
You weren't a drinker, but you agreed with yourself, that now was a very very good time to get drunk. You needed to drink the pain way.
30 minutes passed and you licked up the last drop of the liquor. If you hadn't poured 1/4 of the liquid on your cuts, you would have probably blacked out by now.
High off your mind, your drunken self stumbled out of your room. You wandered the halls counting the number of doors on your floor. When you finished counting, you realized you couldn't remember where your room was. Carefully examining each door trying to remember if it was yours. An oddly clean door caught your attention. "Hm! Mayyybe this is ma room" you slurred. You threw the door open to see a depressed looking Levi sitting on a chair. "Leeeevi!!!!" You said as you shut the door and ran over to hug him. You saw a cup of liquor in his hand and you rudely snatched it and drank it all as if you hadn't had water in a week. "(Y/N) what the fu-fuck are you doin here..? It's like mid-night or somethin." He said to you.
You pulled up a chair 3 feet away from him and eagerly said to his obviously drunken self, "Levi! Levi! Let's. play. a game! Because I LLLLLLOOOOOOOVVVVVVEEEEEE games! " He slouched back in his chair and responded, "Whattt? How do you play?"
"Okay, okay. So we both take turns, and you ask that person a personal question, if that person doesn't want to answer the question.... thennnnnn" you said seductively, "the person asking the question gets to make the other person to do something for them!"
Levi jumped at the words 'personal questions' but he quickly realized that he could too ask you questions as well. "I'm in!" He eagerly said.
"Okay you go first." You said to Levi.
"Tell me how you got so good at fighting?"
You gulped, as you thought if this was a question you should answer. Remembering your childhood hurt you. 'fuck it' you thought as you blurted out, "I taught myself as a kid okay!"
Levi smirked as he saw you vulnerably talk to him.
"Okay MY turn now! Tell me about your childhood?!"
Levi sat there for a second with his head down thinking, before looking at you and saying quietly, "um...I don't want to answer that question..."
"That's means I get to tell you to do something!" You said eagerly. Levi nodded his head in agreement. "Hm...take your shirt off." You said almost like a question.
A blush ran across Levi's drunk face before he hesitantly unbuttoned his shirt. You stared at his perfectly shaped abs in awe for a while, before you were questioned by Levi again. "What the Hell happened to your wrist?" He said in a concerning voice. You shakily responded while rubbing your wrist and looking down at your foot, "Ummm pass?"
Levi grinned, "Okay, now you take your shirt off!" Without hesitation, you ripped off you white button down blouse, hoping to get some sort of reaction out of Levi. As your shirt ripped off, your boobs bounced a little, and revealed your hot black bra which perfectly complimented you C cup breasts.
Levi's jaw dropped, and you could see a little bit of drool escape the corner of his mouth. You got angry that he was staring like that so you ducked down to meet him at eye level, "HEY! My eyes are up here!"
He wiped the corner of his mouth and straightened himself in his chair.
"Levi, tell me what happened when Erwin took you away that day." You said in a pleading voice.
Taking a minute to mentally arrange his words, he let out a sigh and explained, "Erwin wanted our talent in ODM, he gave us an offer, to join the scouts or he would throw us in jail."
You sympathetically sighed. Both of you had passed the excited stage in being drunk. You were now just sitting there enjoying each others company and letting the pain go away by having a little bit of alcohol along the way.
There was dead silence between you two for about 2 minutes as you both sat there shirtless and independently thought back to that day. Levi then broke the silence by asking you a question, "(Y/N), please tell me about your life."
Normally, a thought about your years as a youngster made you want to break down in tears, but something about Levi's voice and tone made you want to answer him, "If you ever repeat this to anyone, I will kill you before you even finish the sentence." He nodded in interest. You laid back in your chair and stared at the ceiling, avoiding eye contact with Levi.

"I grew up in the underground. I lived a normal life for the first years of my life. But my parents soon lost interest in me as I grew older. I don't really know what happened. But by the time I was 10, I really noticed that they didn't love me anymore. So I took care of myself in a way. I still lived in the same house as them, and ate meals with them, but I never talked to them. One day, I was about 12 years old, I got mad at my parents. I yelled at my dad, and in return he beat me shitless. Broke my nose, stomped on a few of my toes, fucked up my wrist really bad, I think he also broke my arm...
Anyways, I left my home that night and slept in an alley for a few days. I didn't really think much of my injuries at the time because none of them bled. But one day, I noticed I was bleeding out of, well, you know where. And I freaked out. Of course I thought I was dying. But this one girl, I'd say she was about in her late teens, found me and explained everything to me. She let me stay in her house for a while. She was my real family. Until one day, she didn't come home. I went out searching for her, and I found her dead corpse in an alley with multiple stab wounds. I didn't feel much that day. I didn't feel sad. I wasn't happy. I wasn't calm. But from that day forward, I took her house and made it my own. I taught myself to fight.  Hoping I would never meet the same fate as her. I really liked knives. The were quiet and elegant. As I got better at fighting, I was approached by some people to kill people for money. By the time I was 16, my body count was over 150 and I killed dozens of MP's. I kept my identity hidden to save myself. Until one day, I came across a girl about the age of 5. She begged me for some money. I gave her some. But that day, it hit me, the money I gave her, was a reward for mercilessly slitting the throats of people who had done no wrong to me. So that day, I retired my life of crime and worked odd jobs to make a living. As a way of repaying my debt to that girl who took me in, I bring the homeless children food every week. And you know where it goes from there..."

Levi sat there absolutely speechless with a blank expression on his face. You still hadn't shifted from the comfy position you were in staring at the ceiling. You said in a humph, "Don't you dare pity me Levi. You should be pitying the hundreds of people I put 6ft under." Levi still hadn't said a single word. You shifted your gaze towards him. His face was blank, but you could tell in his eyes, he was in awe. You decided to pull a move that your sober self would claw your eyes out for. You stared deeply into Levi's eyes before moving closer to him.
"What are you doing (Y/N)—" He stuttered.
All you replied with was a simple, "shh."
You moved closer to him and straddled on his lap. You faces only centimetres apart, you could smell the liquor on his breath, but it weirdly turned you on. You cupped his cheeks in your hands. He moved his hands to your hips, feeling you up and down, before whispering in your ear seductively, "(Y/N) I don't pity you. I am just astonished by your strength and sexiness"
You opened your mouth with a gasp, before Levi grabbed the back of your neck and closed the gap between your face.
He attacked your lips. You couldn't hold back anymore, between the fact that you were sitting on his lap shirtless, and that your judgment was impaired with alcohol, you went for it.
Levi's grip on your hair tightened as your kissing got faster. You let out a slight moan, which aroused Levi. You could feel his hard member poking beneath you. You moved your hips back and forth rhythmically which only aroused him more. His let out a deep sexy groan as you grinded on him. Without breaking the kiss, he trickled one of his hands up your back, while the other was guiding your hips on him. He reached to up-clip your bra. But you stopped him.



The next chapter will elaborate more on all the holes in this chapter, you don't wanna miss it!

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